Sunday, January 9, 2011

Solitary Confinement aka Time Out

Let’s talk discipline. I love disciplining people (I often need some myself… don’t get me wrong)!!! Usually just small people around the age of 8 or 9, but Trey would beg to differ and say I discipline him often too. I grew up in a strict household (yes, we did mom and dad) where rules were meant to be followed and if they weren’t consequences would soon result from our actions. When saying “our”, I mean my older brother and me. With that being said Trey and I do discipline Ford and have for quite some time now. When he was much young we would say “No No.” Then we graduated to spanks on the hand and eventually to the leg.

I will just be honest with you here I have never been a fan of “time out”. I mean come on. “Time Out”. I didn’t go to “time out”. I had some “time out” in my room waiting on my dad to come upstairs with the paddle and show me some good southern lovin on the beehind. But “time out” never happened in my family growing up. I probably would have been a big fan of it back in the day if so. As you can see Ford had never been to “time out” until this week. I had a co-worker (the same one who plowed over my mailbox 1.5 years ago) to print me out some information on “time out”. One night a month or so ago I sat down and read it. It sounded interesting but I still didn’t think it was the “right” form of discipline for my personality type or Ford’s. However, I have changed my mind. “Time Out” is MUCH more POWERFUL than I ever thought. While reading my researched information I read it should be in a place that he/she doesn’t usually go or find comfort in. In saying, don’t make their bed the place they serve their “time”. I put a chair in the front living room, which is a rather dark and not so fun room, and sat him there for his “time out”. He screamed bloody murder. Huge crocodile tears came streaming down his face and he pleaded “Momma Momma” for me to come rescue him. It’s powerful people. He hasn’t committed the same offense again! He bit me tonight and then a pillow and he got to go to solitary confinement again. I will keep you posted on any new developments from the “time out” chair.

For New Year’s Eve we went to Memphis.  One of Trey’s good friends from college turned 30 and his wife had him a surprise party. 

Another teacher and I are in charge of A.R. (Accelerated Reader) at our school.  Each 9 weeks the students who meet their A.R. goal are rewarded with a party.  This time we had a 50’s sock hop.  I LOVE to dress up.  Right before I left for school on Friday morning I went in and woke Trey up.  Then I stepped back into the doorway where he could see my whole outfit and I said ... “Don’t I look like a vision?”  He laughed and said those weren’t the words I would have chosen.  He just thinks I am a huge nerd!
 My 18 kids who got to go to the A.R. Party.  The other 6 didn't get to come =(
 Going to feed the horses

 "JIM" the horse

We went to the farm to see Trey’s deer yesterday and discovered that a horse got out of the fence.  Ford needed to take a quick ride.  Not really, he just sat on the horse, but loved every minute of it. 
 And a 4-wheeler
 The boys and the deer
 All men are the same... the love to lay on the couch and watch TV.
Now we will just wait on the snow that is headed our way......

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

I was like you, not a big fan of "time out". Then, we saw how BAD it hurt Jackson's feelings. That's our form of punishment...for now ;)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...