Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our 2010 in a nutshell PART 1

Our 2010 in a nutshell….

Well, January was a hard month for me. Ford turned 8 months old and I went back to work. As many of you know teaching is the career path that I chose and so back to the classroom I went. I wasn’t a regular education teacher, yet a special education teacher. Little did I know, that would be the easiest job ever. Many days I wish I were still in that same situation.

January highlights or some of my favorite pictures.  

Orange nose
 Trey in my snuggie
 Ford's first snow

 Learning to walk.  His first steps were on Christmas Eve 2009.
 I killed deer number 4
 Bath time
 Sporting a baseball hat

Ford loved his duck bathtub

 At Gran and BoomPa's house
 The cousins at Gran and BoomPa's house for BoomPa's birthday

Trey and me on the way to see Jersey Boys   
 Ford's second snow


I always thought this picture was funny.  I walked into the kitchen to find Trey watching some steaks broil.  This was the first time we had broiled steaks and I guess it was amusing. 

I started collecting the state quarters.  No, I never finished.  I think I lack about 12.  It’s much harder than I thought. 

Sleeping baby with his pacies.  Sadly we still have them. 

I had to take Trey to the ER because he got the “stomach bug” which ended up being more than that… a bacterial infection and he spent a two night mini-vacay at the hospital.

 Ford hated the grass on his hands

Puddin and I recovered my dinning room chairs…. Before
 Being sweet
 At Daddy's office looking for a file!!!
 Just taking some pics

 One of my favorites
 Ford got a shot and he wanted that band-aid OFF!
 Dollar Tree treasure
 His bunny ears... which he still loves

Ohhhhhh I will never forget when Trey came home with his military haircut.  The shortness of the doo wasn’t what freaked me out, yet the fact that my husband came home with HAIR GEL!!!  He later corrected me and said it was paste.  Needless to say, this was all new to me and he does not use it anymore thank goodness.  There isn’t enough room in this house for 2 people with hair products. 

The first annual Lamar/Alford crawfish boil in our backyard.

 Helping out with a bridal shower in Oxford
 Ford's first birthday party to attend

 Party boy
 Daddy killed a turkey
 EASTER... The Easter Bunny came to see Ford
 Easter outfit which Daddy didn't think was manly enough
 Family shot
 Hunting eggs
 Found one!
 Calling someone on his play phone with a mouth full of snacks
 His first time in his BIG BOY carseat
 Nature day
 Eating spaghetti
 Looking under the table for pacies
 Ohhhhhhh the first time he played in the water fountain.  This became a daily activity.
 Check out that belly
 Family trip to the zoo
 Pushing the stroller
 The zoo wore him out

Trey let Delta escape one night.  I am pointing fingers this time because she was on his watch.  After several hours we realized she was missing (we weren’t home).  She was gone for 2 days.  I was frantic and had driven all over Mayberry looking for this dog.  After school I made posters and began hanging them around town when a neighbor called and said she fell in a hole near her deck. 
 The terrible two's began before age 1!!!!!!!
 There is no explanation for this
 Caroline's 2nd birthday party
 Cute outfit a friend made Ford

Stay tuned for the rest of our 2010.........

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...