Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A tough shot

Now I can go hunting and shoot deer, but when it comes to trying to shoot a picture of my son I didn’t hit the jackpot until 137 pictures later.  I thought I was going to lose my mind trying to get a Christmas card done, and nearly did until last night.  We started off by going to see Santa on Saturday with hopes of getting a cute one…

I was not impressed with any of the shots I got, but was just glad that he actually sat in Santa’s lap.  I was honestly shocked.

After visiting with Santa we did some more shopping, visited Gran and BoomPa, and ended our shopping spree at "Books A Million".  By this time it was 7:30 which is 30 minutes passed Ford’s bedtime but we just went with it.  While in "Books" Ford found a tractor book.  This book was the equivalent to you and me winning a million dollars.  He was squealing with delight over this book and causing a scene. 

By 7:50 I was giving Trey the “evil eye” that it was time to go.  Trey loved looking at all the house plans books while I dealt with the holy terror.  I finally gave up and let Ford do as he pleased.  Trey got to clean this mess up…

We left the store about 8:00 with a dirty diaper and my child screaming “TRACTOR BOOK.”  I sure hope Santa brings Ford that tractor book because his little heart was broken for the entire 30 minute car ride home. 

On Sunday morning we tried to get a cute picture for the Christmas card again. This is what I got this time…
Oh…. And he scratched himself in his sleep…

 None of which were to my liking…

Sunday night we tried to take some pictures at Puddin and Pops’s house. Again, this was not a success.

So by this point I wanted to scream and pull my hair out. On Monday afternoon I decided to give it ONE last shot…

None of these were the chosen ones, but you get the idea of what I had to work with on Monday.  It was a much better day.

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I love the reindeer shirt! Reid has the exact same stocking hanging from the mantle:)

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