Monday, November 29, 2010


Oh how I wish I had a witness or a video camera to record the conversation I just had with Trey. Here’s the set up… we are lying on the couch facing one another. He asks: “Did you do something different with your eyebrows yesterday?” I reply… “No.” He said… “Well, I was noticing them in church yesterday and they look different. Are you sure you didn’t do anything?” I said… “I didn’t yesterday, but I had them waxed on Friday.” He said… “Oh I knew it was something. They look really thick and bushy and then they get real thin. I don’t know the standard procedure on that but if mine looked like that I would fire someone. You really need to go look in the mirror. They look bad. I mean I guess if you are okay with them then I am okay with them.” And for the record… I am okay with them. MEN!!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Time

I have had the best week off. It’s been relaxing, I have stayed at home and not traveled too far, and have doted on Ford all week. He and I will both be lost without one another next week.


 On Wednesday we played outside at Puddin and Pop’s house and fed the horses. 
 Then we stopped by the fire station to get some more time on the real deal fire trucks.
 It sure was fun until Mr. Ethan honked the horn and scared me to death. 

But it was nothing that a ride around the block couldn’t fix.

Then I found this fun toy hiding behind the fire truck and played on it a while.

Daddy bought some new boots and I decided I needed to try them on too. 


For Thanksgiving we headed to my parents house, BoomPa and Gran.  My brother and his family came so Ford had a big time playing with his cousin’s, Molly Cate and Caroline.  I used to worry about him being smaller than them and getting hurt but he can pretty much hold his own now.  He has mastered throwing a fit so I am not too concerned anymore.  I guess our newest concern is “baby boy blue”, who is the new cousin on the way.  He may not be able to play with the big kids just yet.

Thanksgiving 2009... FLASHBACK

Gran wanted us to attempt to get a picture of the 3 grandkids for a Christmas card.  That is easier said than done with a 4 ½ , 2 ½ and 1 ½ year olds.
Fortunately, I had some candy stashed in my purse (what good mother doesn’t?) so that helped for a bit.  You can see Ford has gotten up from his seat to reload on his sweets. 

Not a lot has gone on today.  I got my hair highlighted, oil changed, and Ford and I did some Wal-Mart shopping.  He is such a good assistant.  He wants to inspect all merchandise before we purchase it. 

While shopping Ford reminded me of how important it was that we buy some apples to feed the horses.  No, I am not lying; he did say we needed apples.  So like any good mother would do, we bought fruit… for the horses!! 
Playing pee-pie (peek-a-boo) before bed. 
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I know we did.  I have soooooo much to be thankful for. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving week and what we have been doing

I’m back!!!  I know it has only been two days, but we have been very productive.  Plus, I have taken a lot of pictures and thought you might like to see the little man during Thanksgiving week. 


We got up and before 9:00 I was on my third load of laundry. Then we went outside to pull up the 72 flowers Trey and I planted last spring so I can put down some pansies. I asked Trey to get the wheel barrow down (it hangs on the wall) and he forgot. It was quite a challenge (and it’s a good thing I have been working out) but I got it down. My trusty side kick didn’t let me use it to put flowers in. Rather he decided to hitch a ride.

Then we napped and went to the church to take pictures under the Ginkgo tree.  Ford was not in a great mood so the pictures aren’t that good. 

If you will remember we took pictures here last year as well. FLASHBACK……….

Ohhh he was such a squatty little man!!!

Then we changed and went to Puddin and Pops house….

Then back home to play on the railroad tracks

It was time to get out of the fancy clothes and get comfy and eat a popsicle. 

We went to play with Gran today and before we left she suggested we stop by the park to feed the geese.  Ford had gone to feed the geese before and I hadn’t so it was a real treat.  They sure aren’t scared of humans…however, Ford was scared of them.

When we got back in town we went to vote.  And would you know that when we walked out of the building a fire truck was pulling up, which happens to be high on Ford’s list.  Lucky for him one of Trey’s best friends is a fireman and happened to be on that truck.  So you know who got to give it a test drive. 

When we finally got home Ford needed some juice and a little Baby Einstein tractor show.  We watch it daily, sometimes as many as three times per day! 

And we ended our day sitting in the frig. 

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...