Monday, October 4, 2010

A quote person

Are you a “quote” person?  I am not.  However, I think when you find a good quote you may want to tuck it away in your long term memory and bring it out when the time is necessary.  I have a quote that I have said Over and Over in my head all day long today.  Are you ready for this??  “No food tastes as good as thin feels.”  I heard that on Oprah about ten years ago and decided it was a keeper.  I decided I needed to drop a few lbs and it started today.  Ohhhhh how I wanted to buy some French fires in the school lunch line, and grab a piece of candy out of my treasure box in my classroom, or eat a snack with Ford.  But no, I have attempted to stand strong.  “Somewhat.”
Ford loves a tractor more than words can express.  Actually, Ford and Trey found a Combine to ride and they are out doing that right now.  Here are some pictures of a tractor we found to sit on. 

Playing in the sink.  Cheap thrills

Pulling the wagon

Trey and I decided to take Ford to the Ole Miss vs. Kentucky game this weekend.  I was a little nervous, to say the least, about taking him to the game.  It was a morning game which meant he would miss nap #1 and more than likely nap #2.  Yes, my 17 month old still takes 2 naps!!!  So we went ahead and tested our luck.  We actually made it to Oxford early enough to grab breakfast at Bottle Tree Bakery before heading to the Grove.
Those lip marks are from Aunt Ashley.

Despite the yelling fans, loud music, and gusty wind the little man grabbed a 45 minute nap anyway. 
Did you notice we changed clothes?  We had a wardrobe malfunction. 

Ford ended up being a pure joy at the ballgame.  There at the end he did get a little tired, but nothing we couldn’t handle.  AND he slept until 8:30 the next morning.  All you parents with young children I highly recommend taking them to a ballgame to wear them out. 

Yesterday morning I got Ford dressed for church and Trey saw him and said “Oh my gosh, what did your mother put on you?”  He wanted to know if I was really going to let Ford out of the house looking like a girl.  And of course the answer was YES!
And those knee socks are from last year. I think they squeezed his leg all morning. I know I know… in the drawing for mother of the year again on that one!!!

Have a good week!!!!!!


Ashley said...

Oh I LOVE the lip picture!! I do not think that outfit is girly! Ken did not approve of the boy day gowns I came home with today...hope he gets used to it!:)

heatherstockett said...

I love the pic with Ashley's lipstick-too cute! Glad he did good! Jackson took 2 naps until he turned 18 months old, so don't worry. Some days I wish he still took two ;)

Katie said...

Now you know that a #20 from la fiesta tastes better than thin feels... have u gone nuts?

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...