Look at my little nerd!!!!
It has been a while, longer than normal, since I was able to entertain you all. The reason behind that is that Ford got the stomach bug in the middle of last week and then I got it at the end of the week. I can honestly say that I have never been so sick in my life. I managed to lose 6 pounds in less than 24 hours. I think I have successfully gained it all back now. No worries my friends!
What I would do for those eyelashes!!!!!

There is a maintenance, handy-man, who works for our school. He is a practical jokester and he and I have had a large time this year playing jokes on one another. I walked in my room one day and there was a dead fox (stuffed of course under my desk). Another day I opened my door and he had attached a long black tube to the door so that when I opened it the thing slung down and almost whacked me in the head. Well, I had enough. I asked the cafeteria lady for some mayonnaise. I decided I would mayonnaise his door handle to the school van he drives. To my great surprise the day I went to spruce up his van he had left it UNLOCKED and the keys INSIDE!!!!! I cranked that puppy up and drove it down the street. I then proceeded to mayonnaise the ignition and then the door handle of course. I ran like the wind back to the school and thanked the counselor for watching my class while I played the prank. His van was missing for 30 minutes until someone told him where it was. So you get my point. It’s an ongoing battle and many more pranks have been played.
This week is red ribbon week at school and Tuesday was career day. I dressed up as my buddy, Mr. Larry!!!!! (I have on the blue polo). As you can see several others joined in on the fun as well!!!
Tonight we decided to carve our pumpkins. I had been telling Ford all afternoon that when Daddy came home we would carve the pumpkins. He would squeal and try to copy what I was saying. I just laughed and told him he had no idea what he was so excited about. Here we are tonight carving the pumpkin…
And here is a recap from last year….
And here is a recap from last year….
It makes me sad how much my baby has grown. I am soooo excited about Halloween. Puddin made Ford’s costume and he is going to look adorable. You will have to stay tuned for that fun.
Until next time… And I hope my dress up pictures made you laugh. I do stuff like that for the laughs you know!!! And my kids at school LOVED IT!!!