This is going to be a long blog. I have a lot to talk about. I will go ahead and apologize to you people who complain about my long blogging. You don’t have to read it. Just look at the pictures.
Ford will be 15 months tomorrow!!! We went to the doctor this week for yet another round of shots. Our new stats are:
22.5 pounds = 25th percentile
31 inches long = 30th percentile (that means since birth he has grown 10.5 inches)
48cm head = 75th percentile
Sleepy on the way home
I went back to work on Thursday. I am ready to get back into a regular daily routine, but I DID NOT want to leave my little man. He obviously felt the same way about us being apart because he got a little upset when I took him to the sitter. He and I will both get back into the swing of things soon I hope.
Daddy stole my pappy
Ford was deeply upset by Trey thieving his pappy that he just decided to pitch a fit!!! Please notice the vein popping out on the side of his neck.
Our house is full of toys but Ford would rather play with….
I am REALLY excited about this… Okay, so a friend in town’s mother gets her hair done by some fancy man in Memphis. He asked the mother if her daughter and 5 friends would be interested in getting their hair colored and cut for free. All he asks is for before and after pictures. I can’t wait for many reasons. First of all, my hair is in dire need of some tlc. I am bad to cut my own hair. Honestly, I probably only get one professional hair cut a year and other than that I cut it myself. I mean how bad can I really mess it up? I wear it in a pony tail over 300 days a year! Secondly, I am in a wedding in 2 weeks and need my color touched up a bit. Thirdly, it’s free!!! Trey makes fun of me for being cheap all the time. I am! I can’t help it. When I hear free I AM THERE!!!!!!! So lets all hope and pray that I still have some hair and that I am presentable to the world being that my new group of third graders will be coming on Thursday.
Playing in Target
Ford went to the birthday party of birthday parties today. This was the mother of them all. So all you party planner please take notes. Sweet little Hays turned two and his parents really went all out. There were goats, cows, sheep, ducks, ferrets, turtle races, rabbits, horses, chickens, baby goats roaming, pony rides, and a choo choo train. Despite the blistering Mississippi weather it was a fabulous time for the kiddos.
The Birthday Boy
We ended our day with some fun times playing with the water table and hose…