Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wearing Me Out

No, my camera is not fixed just yet. I put my memory card in my old dinosaur camera and decided to use it while my other is being repaired.

It is only day 4 of summer break and Ford is already wearing me out. I “used to” think that stay at home moms should be able to get a lot done during the day whereas working moms are dealing with less time. Contrary to my belief, that is not the way it is at all. I am constantly running behind Ford cleaning up one mess while he is creating another disaster, or he has his arms in the air for me to hold him, or he slips and needs some TLC from his momma, or it’s time to eat, or he needs a new diaper, or it’s nap time and I must fix a bottle and rock him to sleep, or he wants to go outside and play in the water hose. As you can see there just isn’t a lot of time for household chores; therefore my house looks like it has been ransacked my robbers and quite frankly I just give up on trying to clean up. I think my darling husband accepted that long ago. He is more OCD than I “used to be” about having things organized and all of his ducks in a row. He really might be the cleanest and tidiest man that God put on this planet. Bless him!

Today I did manage to find time to make Ford and myself a little snack. I have many weaknesses in life when it comes to food. I have never really had to watch my weight that much; I guess I was just blessed with good genes. However, I can tell that time may be catching up with me and I better become more conscious of what I eat. One of those weaknesses is BREAD!!!!!!!!! Oh I could eat bread all day long and be as happy as a fat kid in a candy store. And bread is what we did have as our afternoon snack today.


1 cup biscuit and baking mix
½ cup (2 ounces) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (all I had was regular cheddar)
1/3 cup milk

Combine biscuit mix and cheese; add milk, stirring just until dry ingredients are moistened. (Dough will be very soft). Turn dough out onto a floured surface, and knead lightly 3 or 4 times.

Roll dough to ½ inch thickness, cut into rounds with a 2 inch biscuit cutter. (I didn’t have one of these). Place biscuits on a lightly greased baking sheet.

Bake at 450 for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Serve IMMEDIATELY. Yield: 8 biscuits.


We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We actually never left town and it was great! We spent most of the time around Puddin and Pops pool or planting flowers in our yard. Trey and I managed to plant 79 flowers during Ford’s hour nap he takes in the morning!!

If any of you moms out there have some fun ideas/projects that Ford and I could do this summer let me know!


heatherstockett said...

Such a cute belly, too!! I know I say this all the time, but Ford is precious!!

Btw.. you and Jackson would get along great. He loves bread and ate it (by itself) for lunch today.

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

The pictures are adorable! He is looking more like a little boy to me:)

Anonymous said...

Good post and precious little man. A wise man once told me that children do not wear you out. They keep you young. The jury is still out on that one with me.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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