Monday, June 29, 2009

Big weekend

Little Ford had a big weekend. We started off on Friday with a trip to the pediatrician for his 8 weeks shots. Needless to say I cried more than Ford did. I don’t have any pictures to share of the trip to the doctor’s office, but Trey definitely got some good video footage.
On Saturday Trey wanted to go to Cleveland to eat with some friends. I just wasn’t ready to leave Ford with a babysitter so he came along for the ride. He was an absolute angel. I thought someone had switched my child. He slept the entire time we were in the restaurant and the ride home. It was great!
On Sunday we decided to take Ford to church for the first time. I was completely fine with the idea until we walked into the nursery and I only saw two women working in there. I panicked a bit because it could take both of them to handle Ford! They gave us a pager and Trey and I went to church. Luckily, the pager never went off and they said he did great. We ended our Sunday by going swimming in Puddin and Pop’s pool!

Excited about the road trip to Cleveland

Asleep in the restaurant

Getting ready for church

1 comment:

Felicia said...

Jill he is so sweet. He is absolutely beautiful!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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