Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Field Tripping, Soiree Going and Ball Playing

There used to be a time when I actually HAD more free time to blog and I would blog multiple times a week.   Now I feel like my blogs are lacking and I am constantly playing catch-up.

The second graders went on a field trip to The Pink Palace last week.   It was so nice to be mom and not Mrs. Lamar.   Even though I teach at the school with my kiddos, I don't get to see them much.

Dove hitched a ride with us...

Apparently all of my children are small for their age!   I used to think Annie was tall....

Lunch at Belly Acres

Imax movie on dinosaurs 

Saturday was a nice day to kind of be around the house which rarely happens....Bitty and Gaines found the mud.

Saturday night Trey and I attended the formal event at Northwest Community College...The Soiree.  

Marty Stuart was the entertainment...

Puh was honored as a special alumni....

Sunday I went with Ford to Cordova to baseball.   His team wasn't playing so he played up with 14U.   They won and got some bling.

Ford and Griff

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Spring Things

When the weather starts to feel a little bit warm that is when I want to shed my socks and shoes and break out the sandals and flip-flops.   I can't go anywhere without my trusty side-kick, so Annie and I got ourselves a pedicure!
If this isn't living your best life I don't know what is!
Ford pitching in Cleveland with the school team.

The Bit pitching in Oxford with his new YG team.

It was cold one ballgame day as we sat in the car and I admired his dimples and freckles.

Against what I originally said, I went to Jackson for spring break.   I made a quick, 24 hour trip and did the things I wanted to do: manicure, shop, dinner, and visiting.   Trey and I saw Marty Stuart.
Dinner with Kimberly and Ted

Found the vice chairman, Jody

The next night I went with the church youth group to bowl.   My side-kick came...

I love child labor....
When you just want to wear your robe and snuggle....

Another cold baseball day...

You turn your back on him for one second and....

Bit was thrilled to give Ms. Taylor a thrill ride...

Look at her face!

She Planned, I Surprised

Have you ever known anyone who planned their OWN surprise birthday party?  Well, if not, meet Annie.  Birthdays are important to me, but boy are they to Annie.   She started getting excited when 2023 rolled around even if her birthday wasn't until February 23.  

She flip flopped on party ideas and who and what she wanted.  I reminded her that I am not as wealthy as she wants me to be and she needed to simmer down.  So she opted for a surprise sleep over.  I agreed, but only 4 girls could come.  

Now how do you make a surprise party a surprise if you plan it?  Well, the mom has to LIE about the actual date of it in order to pull it off successfully.

With the help of my good friend, Callie, it happened.   She ordered the cake, decorated my house, and received the girls while I killed time.   We pulled up, I told the boys to do something in the yard and Annie and I went on in.

Birdie, Anne Waler, Annie, Mary Stanford, and Nora

She.  Was.   Surprised!!!!!!!   AND the boys were too!   I didn't even tell them.
It was wild.   It was loud.   It was chilly outside so that didn't last long.

Playing make-up

Fashion show

The cake

Painting canvases 

I had the art teacher draw on a canvas for each girl.

Merritt was in attendance and got a star!


Mary Stanford

Anne Walker


Callie set up a projector for a movie they watched for 10 minutes!

Bitty joined

Ohhhhh the wildness.   Live and learn.   I won't do that again!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...