Sunday, January 23, 2022

Hands up for Offense and Defense

I like rewards and recognition for a job well done.  I my classroom I give several extra credit opportunities.  Our school uses Accelerated Reader (A.R.).  I think it's a great tool and I encourage the students to read and take tests.  I give each child a goal of 15 points per 9 weeks.  If they can meet this goal with a 75% or better I give them an extra 100 in reading, a certificate, and a little treat!
Since I teach at a private school we can have devotional time, prayer time, and talk about God.  I also give them a Bible verse each week.  If they can correctly write at least 6 out of the 9 I give them a drop a grade in their lowest subject.  That's pretty big too!

Bitty loves to hunt and he's dying to kill a big buck.

He is my child that NEEDS that one on one time.

Flies.  Huge flies.  I don't know why they like to get in the boys' bathroom windows, but they do.  I read that putting a bar of Irish Spring Original Soap in the window helps.  It did!!!!  They don't like the smell.

A cat adopted us.  I don't like cats.  Sorry if you do.  I will, however, be glad to buy cat food if it'll each some critters.

Ford went to see this with a friend and loved it.

Patty's mom's house was featured on Home Town a few weeks ago.  It was fun seeing her on TV.

My babies walking to school.

Annie had a fun playdate after gymnastics and a special stop by Mac & Charlies for ice cream.

At the end of a long day.....

These sweets girls love to give hugs.

Short man problems....when you can't reach the microwave.

Annie loves to play with my old little cars.  I might have sat down there and played with her.

We signed her up for city league basketball.  I'd say she has a long way to go.  She's trying though.  She keeps those hands up on offense and defense.

And she's the smallest one on her team.

All 3 of  my boys killed a deer.

Ford's peewee basketball season has concluded.  He really played well and had a good time.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

New Orleans Sugar Bowl Part 2

You can't really go to New Orleans and not go to Cafe Du' Monde.  We might (correction I) waited in line 30 minutes, BUT they were well worth it.  The kids needed to experience the goodness.  Naturally, Ford didn't like the powdered sugar.   He is more of my salty eater....not so much sweets for him.

These two approved.

Watching the parade.

We got photobombed.  

We walked almost 8 miles this day.  The kids were OVER it.  Ford was asking to ride in a car.  I explained that you must walk all over this city.

I think I need to frame it.

Celebrating NYE

No, he didn't eat all this.  One shrimp.  Ten fries.  Six pieces of bread.

We waited an hour for breakfast.

It was so hot.  Like 85 degrees hot.  Like had to shower after walking around all day hot.


Annie was over the hike back.  Blisters and bandaids 

On the way to the Sugar Bowl.  She took this....

Bitty getting a lecture.


Super Dome

Crawling with covid

Living her best life

And she was done.

Sunday the girl car left and headed north.  The boys stayed and went to a Saints game.

What a fun trip full of lots of memories!!!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...