Monday, March 29, 2021

We would have still lost....

Fancy didn't get to come home this weekend.  It was conference weekend in Jackson so he stayed there.  Saturday we played ball, finished decently early, and came home.  We hopped in bed about 8:30 and went to dreaming.  Apparently, I put my phone on silent.  I don't do this normally.  I didn't hear the ten calls from Trey and multiple text messages warning me about the tornadoes that were coming.  Fortunately, a loud clap of thunder or lightning woke me up at 10:43.  I looked at my phone to see all the missed calls and messages.  I called Trey back, who in a panic, was hollering for me and the kids to get in the safe room.  My response was, "really"???  So I put on my contacts and woke the babies up.  We camped out in the safe room for about 45 minutes.

Sunday Annie wanted to be fancy and wear jewelry to church.  Some was my mom's some was her's, and some mine.

We raced home after church to get ready to go to Snowden for Ford's games at 11:45, 6:00 and 7:30.  Long day is an understatement.

It was cold.  It was windy.  It was windy like I have never known.  I was miserable.

Towards the end, Ford got to pitch.

A team mom loves to take pictures!  I like to snag them when I can...

We came in second.  The umpire was terrible.  We would have still lost, but maybe not 10-1.

Suspicious Minds

SB2021 started off great.  After we had lunch at Saltine's I headed south of Jackson to meet BoomPa.  It was kind of like, "tag, you're it!"  I handed those babies off and ran.  Then I typed in "nail salon near me."  I prefer the kind that you don't have to make an appointment at.  I prefer oriental speaking people.  They rarely talk to you other than asking you to pick a color and that is just the way I like it.  Nice, quiet, and peaceful.  My main objective was relaxation, no kids, feet rubbed, etc.   And that all happened.  That guy is my new bff.  He rubbed my feet and legs for 45 minutes!!!!
Randomly, Patty would send Laurel updates...

My children are obsessed, actually obsessed might  not be a strong enough word.  They LOVE the show called "Hometown" which is filmed in Laurel.  It's a fixer-upper kind of show.  They watch it religiously.  Well, Dad aka BoomPa took them to all the hot spots about the show.  My children were thrilled to see everything.

Trey got us reservations at The Fairview Inn.  I told him he'd set the bar high and I didn't want to go back to a hotel.

We enjoyed some snacks before dinner....

Annie wants a dog...

My new bff, Kelly.  We chatted a while at Walker's.

I told Trey NOT to worry about me while he was working at the capital.  I kept myself busy.  I slept late, shopped, ate, relaxed, watched tv, etc!

We stayed on our SB2021 trip for two days.,  We came home on Thursday.  Then on Friday, BoomPa and Patty went to their Oxford house and had all the granddaughters come spend the night.  I am sure it was loud.
Alice 9, Ruby Jean 4, Caroline, 12, Molly Cate 14, Annie 6

Tea party

The next day we played baseball.  Shocker!!!!  Annie was walking on that curb you see behind her in the picture when she fell.  She fell on her nose.  Y'all.... there was blood.  A lot of blood.  I don't handle crisis well.  I think the people at the concession stand now know that about me!

Bitty got to play up that weekend with a 9U kid pitch team.  I'll have you know they let my little man pitch in the bracket play game.  He did great.  He was even hurt (bum leg) from baseball the weekend before.

After 9 days of complaining, we went to Campbell Clinic to assess this bum leg!   No fracture.  Apparently the collision between Bitty and the other player hurt some muscles and tendons.  He was instructed to take it easy for a week.

I'm sure that bill will be lovely!

Pops was tired of Bitty's glasses flying off at games so he offered to buy him some new specs.

These are for sports only...complete with a strap!

Annie got royally TICKED when I rolled down the windows to jam to "Suspicious Minds" by Dwight Yokam.

Ball and SB2021 Happenings- Part 1

The Bit is playing competitive travel ball too.  He's in 8U, coach pitch.  I think coach pitch is adorable.  The boys are still learning the game and many just stay confused.  He battles until the end and is starting his ring collection now.


My view.  Some days are hot.  Some are cold.

The results of a little sister staying at the ballfields a long time.

Ball field siblings

We never have exciting plans for spring break since Trey is still in session in Jackson.  I didn't want to stay home.  I figured the children needed some quality BoomPa and Patty time since they rarely saw them in 2020.  On Tuesday of SB2021 we loaded up and headed to Jackson.  The first stop was the retirement home where my grandmother and her sister live.  I hadn't seen them in 14 months.  

Next we went to the capital to see our favorite representative!  Since Trey is the chairman of Ways and Means, we got to go in his conference room.

Then his office....

Our final stop in Jackson was at Saltine's for lunch.

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...