Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thankful 2020

I love love LOVE traditions and this is one of my favorites.  Every November since my children have been able to talk I will ask them to tell me something or someone they are thankful for everyday leading up until Thanksgiving Day.  I must say that Annie's day 1 got me!

2020 Thankful Lists….


1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Bit
4. Annie
5. BoomPa, Patty, and Gran
6.  Puh and Pops
7.  Cousins
8.  Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley
9.  Dillie
10.  Uncle Vance and Aunt Emily
11. Bobba
12. Jesus
13. God
14. Church
15. Bible
16. Home
17. Friends
18. Family
19. Sports
20. Hunting
21. Bed
22. Sleep
23. Bosco
24. Beach
25. Grandmother and Granddaddy
26. Holidays 


1. sack
2. Mommy
3. Daddy
4. BoomPa
5. Annie
6. Patty
7. Puh
8. Food
9. Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley
10. Dillie
11. Ford
12. Uncle Vance
13. Aunt Emily
14. Molly Cate
15. Caroline
16. Jack
17. Gray (the cat)
18. Ox (the fish)
19. House
20. Church
21. Food
22. Clothes
23. Bed
24. Pillow
25. Friends
26. Bosco


1. That Gran is in Heaven with God
2. That you’re here and all of our family is here
3. I am thankful for all the teachers in the world
4. Our states
5. Our land
6. Momma and Annie
7. Bitty
8. Ford
9. Being star student
10. Puh and Pops
11. Dillie
12. Daddy
13. Aunt Emily
14. BoomPa and Patty
15. Molly Cate, Caroline, and Jack
16. Gray (the cat)
17. Otis
18. Uncle Vance
19. Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley
20. Bobba
21. Oliver
22. Maggie
23. Anne Walker
24. The beach
25. Dove
26. Christmas and Halloween

Zoo animals are scared of the rona

Our house has been a work in progress the last 5.5, almost 6 years.  I have slowly, but surely, been buying and sprucing things up.  Decorating isn't my cup of tea so I have a lady who helps me.  My bedroom was very dark and we have been working to lighten it up.  I'm pleased thus far.

We got home Wednesday afternoon, the week before Thanksgiving, from our trip.  I went to work on Thursday and then missed school again on Friday to go with Bitty on a school field trip to the zoo.

Contemplating getting wet...

Sean, Oliver, Coy, Bitty, Carson, Eli, and Trey

Bitty can't act right

How many kids can you stuff inside of a tree?

Only about 1/3 of the animals were out....I guess they are scared of the rona.

Annie's class had their annual Thanksgiving Day feast.  I hate hate hate to miss this fun stuff.  I am OVER the corona.

I have 4 trees in my house this year.  You heard that right, 4!  I have my big tree, Annie's tree in her room, a small tree with kid made ornaments, and this tree with all our Christmas cards from my little family and pictures with Santa.

We had Thanksgiving early at the farm with Puh and Pops.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Part 3 Gatlinburg

Sometimes you just get worn out on vacation.  Super Planner, Daddy, didn't want to waste any time.  He packed each day full if actvities. The faces of worn out boys.

We had breakfast at Crockett's Breakfast Camp.  The littles and I split this huge cinnamon roll.

Then we went to Anakeesta....

Chair lift....

Rollercoaster Ride...

Hallmark movies...

Our cabin...

Headed home...

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...