Sunday, April 26, 2020

It was a good day. I needed it

The quarantine has meant that I haven't been able to see my family.  Dad and Patty have been hunkered down in Laurel.  I told dad last week that Ken and his crew were coming for a visit on Saturday.  I could sense a weirdness in his voice.  I originally thought he disapproved, but instead he just wanted to join the fun, so up he came.  Annie was so glad to see her BoomPa.

Pickle Ball

The cousins, as we refer to them, stayed for 10 hours of good country fun!

I gave Molly Cate her first driving lesson on the golf cart.

Aunt Ashley braided Annie's hair.

We rode around the neighborhood about 6 times.

Ashley and Caroline celebrate their birthdays on April 28 and Ford will celebrate on May 1.  We had an early party.

Jack decided to eat a huge piece of cake.

Uncle Ken helped Annie learn to ride her bike.

Uncle Trey aka Daddy cleaned the fish they caught.

She's still got a ways to go....

I think she favors me....

It was a good day.  I needed it!

Our new normal

The quarantine is still going strong.  I guess you can say we have accepted this unusual time and have adjusted to the circumstances.  It is our new normal.

The children do their schoolwork in the mornings and then we begin our chores.  I'd like to think that during this time I will complete some projects and check things off of my mental to do list.  I believe I am accomplishing some of my list so far. 

Trey taught Ford how to drive the 4-wheeler.  The boys get to ride around and pick up sticks.  This is quite helpful since we have 9 acres.

We have spent a lot of time by the fire pit.  I even enjoy starting it up.

Some sweet big girls egged our house.  I thought it was so fun.

Getting ready to find the eggs.


One of her school assignments was to make a zoo animal.  I think we nailed it.

We used the keyboard to my ipad to study our letters.  There she goes with that middle finger!

Liza Beckham took our front door pictures...

We made Bobba a poster since we don't get to see her much....

We supported the local movie theatre one night by buying snacks.  This idea pleased the children very much.

Look what was in our lake!!!!!!

Trey cooked some crawfish and the boys chowed down.

She's just like me....we love a good shower cap.

Each week at school Annie's class dresses up in different way.  She was a construction worker on community helper day.


The product of the children playing alone, unsupervised.  They made this huge fort in her room.

Mary, the children's minister at our church, brought her kayak to our lake.  Guess what the boys want now?????

Bitty and I did a tractor Youtube drawing tutorial....

Here's my tractor...he quit on me!

A nice morning view....

He adores her!

Sometimes you just do your schoolwork in whatever makes you happy.

Him too...

Oh my gosh.... quarantine go away!!!!!  And I don't even really care that we live like this.  This is my mental state now!

I have been very freakish about washing my hands for years now.  I have been putting Clorox wipes on my buggie handles and using them to open the coolers at Wal-Mart.  Well, Friday I stepped it up to gloves and a mask.  I salute anyone who wears a mask daily.  I sported this bad boy for 45 minutes and was sweating.  It was not fun.  But I got my groceries for the week and hopefully didn't breathe in too many germs.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...