Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Year, New Things

   Our New Years Eve celebrations are usually the same.  We stay home.  Staying home is just the way I like it.  For years now, we've had friends come over, with their children, to eat, shoot fireworks, and hang out.  This year was no different.  NYE was also the 16th anniversary of the night I met Fancy.
 The Stills have celebrated with us since before we had babies!
Still and Lamar children.... Anne Allen, Annie, Ford, Bitty, John Everette, and James
 Staying home also means I can wear my slippers!!!!! 
 Christmas break consisted of a lot of activity.  We started off with Ford breaking his teeth, followed by the tonsils and adenoids coming out.  One night his eye even hurt and swelled up funny.
 Annie played play-dough....
 We spent the night at the farm and played board games for a good two hours.  I forgot how much I love "Guess Who"!!!!!!!
 We took a trip with the church to the Tunica Aquatic Center.
 The next day Annie woke up with an ear ache.  I figured it was swimmers ear so off to the doctor we went.
 After that we zoomed to Campbell Clinic because John Brantley had been hopping around for 6 days refusing to put his heel down.
 He got a new accessory to sport for a week.
 Annie's ear drops hurt so there were lots of tears!
 Bitty went to his first Upward game even though he wasn't able to participate.
 I'm helping "coach".  I'd say I do more of crowd control.
 At 6.5 years of age he's still acting like this over food, life, and everything in general.
 Annie is working hard in 3K.  I love when I get pictures like this!
 Today was Ford's first basketball game.  We decided to try city league ball instead of Upward.  It was lots of fun to watch.  I think he was worn out.
Trey has started his 8th year in the legislature.  Life is busy....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...