Sunday, April 29, 2018

Warts, AR, Parties, and Such....

I hate a wart.  Ford had a pretty good sized one on his knee for the better part of a year now.  We have tried duct tape, corn pads, freeze off kits, and going to the doctor to get them to freeze it off.  Nothing has worked.  So last week I took him to the dermatologist to have it cut off.  Right after we got back in Trey's took (my car was in the shop) it started bleeding.  It bled and bled and bled some more.  Here's to hoping the beast is gone forever.
 I've said it once (at least) and I'll say it again.... "I hate to read!"  Oh my dear goodness.  I was in honors English in high school.  I probably spent more time reading the cliff notes for the 5-8 books we had to read per semester than the actual time it would have taken to read the books.  I do read my Bible every morning while I dry my hair, but the last "book" I read was when I was nursing John Brantley!!!!

With that being said, "I hate to read", I refuse to let my kids grow up hating to read.  We read books A LOT.  The ladies at the library see me numerous times a week checking out AR books for Ford.  Last year he won first place in his class with about 86 points.  This year he won first place again with 151.5 points!!!!!  We worked hard.  I say "we" because I helped too!  I kind of feel like I need a trophy.
 The school had a Boosterthon "Fun Run" on Thursday to raise money for a bus.  The kids had a large time.
 Ford's group did too.
 I saw this outside of Ford's classroom!
 You can see Bitty in the right corner...
 Friday we had Ford's birthday party with about 14 little boys in my yard.  Ford wanted to play kickball, football, and baseball.
 I had to get Trey out there asap because there was some cheating and squabbling going on.
 Mrs. Stacey and Annie always bond.
 He requested a baseball cookie cake with his # on it.
 Aunt Emily and Uncle Vance
 Puddin and Pops
 Boom and Mrs. Patty
 Luke and Annie are big friends.
 Those glasses won't stay on her nose!!!!!!!
 Mrs. Patty loves to take pictures as much as I do.  She captured lots this weekend!
 Annie stepped in a fire ant bed during the party.  I gave her some Benadryl and she was barely hanging on at this point.
 I love our back porch and the lake.
Trey and Ford went to help with Rotary clean up day on Saturday.
 Also on Saturday we had a much needed day at home to do some projects.  While we did this Annie collected Earth worms which all ended up dead after she played with them too long!
Next up.... Ford's 9 year old blog.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Greatest Gift

 There are so many things in life we anticipate and get excited about.  They might be birthdays, vacations, holidays, ball games, you name it.  These events bring us great pleasure, happiness, and big smiles.  I agree, I like all of these things too.  But there is something else I have been patiently waiting for.  Something far MORE important and exciting than any of the above things I mentioned.  It’s Salvation for my children, and on April 23rd, Bitty accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.  Nothing can bring this momma more joy than knowing one of my children (Ford too… He accepted Jesus on 7/15/14) will spend eternity in Heaven.

Ford was chosen with some other students to spell out CHIEFS at the pep rally last week!
 "Take my picture, momma!"
 Senatobia hosted its first ever baseball tournament last Saturday.  Ford played in 5 games and his team came in second place with another ring.  This makes 6.
Trey and I had to miss a few games because we made a flying trip to Jackson to celebrate Dad and Patty getting married (friends hosted a party).  It was a fun evening with a lot of adults (their friends) that I didn't know!

Kate (my new sister), Ashley (my sister in law), Megan (my new sister), and me
 When they are BOTH crying and you turn around and say, "I'm going to video you!"  They immediately quit!!!!!!!!
 Bitty's class had a field trip to the zoo yesterday.  Since Annie's class wasn't going this spring I let her tag along.  She was extremely pumped about this.....
 I mean.... can you tell!!!!!!!!  Double chin and all
 Puh came too!!!!!!  Annie said she'd show her all of the animals.
 Bitty, Eli, and Carson
 Only one meltdown by Bitty because he hit his face on something.
 You can ride a camel for $5 per person totally about 45 seconds!  What a deal...
 My crew this morning before school

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...