Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sparks flew

As I sit here and do my final blog of 2017, I can't help but think of how busy this year has been, let alone this month.  No day has been dull, there have been wild and crazy days that I wouldn't want to relive, and amazingly awesome ones where I wish I had a do over.  I can't say I am sad to see 2017 go, rather I will look forward to what's yet to come.   

Here's a recap of what's happened since Santa showed up...

Wednesday Annie and I visited the ENT because her ear was bothering her again.
 No infection....on this day.
 Later that day when I was helping the boys with their lessons (as my Grandmother calls homework), Annie got fingernail polish she received for Christmas and painted her face!
 Bitty hollered because his stomach hurt.  I am wondering if he's lactose intolerant.  He had eaten ice cream at Puddin's and then the pains began.

See that cord?  It's my vacuum which I use everyday.  I might be OCD!
 My kids ALL asked for an Ipad for Christmas.  I got them a Lite Brite instead.  I mean what the heck?  They are 2, 5, and 8.  I'm 35 and I don't have an Ipad.  Let's get real.  I wish all parents would rally together and ban buying their kids electronics until they become teens.
 Who needs an Ipad when you can have a Bop It!!!
 Or a Rubix cube!!!   Trey is determined that Ford will kill a buck.  He's hauled the boys hunting lots lately.
 And they play deer hunting at home.  Ford was the dead deer!
Bitty asked me to take a picture of his pretzel creation.... and the sweet child smiled normally!
 Yesterday.......ohhhh yesterday!!!  I left Trey alone with the kids for a hot minute and ran to Wal-Mart.  Before I even got to the store he called in a panic to see if I was on the way home.  Apparently, Annie came outside with Trey and the boys and our dog, Otis, jumped on her all the while trying to eat the bow out of her hair.  During the bow attack, he knocked her down which made her cry.  Trey started yelling at Otis and chasing him.  My 37 year old husband decided he'd dive and tackle the dog.  The dog won, and wasn't caught.  Trey landed on his right pinky and broke it!
Then at 12:00 AM Annie came in my room.  I reached down to pick her up, and she was HOT!  This morning she had 102.3.  We went to the doctor and she has: the flu, strep, and an ear infection.
She is pitiful.  At night she's worse.  Apparently Tamiflu tastes like sewer water.  She refuses to take it!!!!!!!!
 It really is pitiful.  I believe in bribery too, and that didn't work!
Puddin and Pops gave Ford some Legos for Christmas, which I insist he leave at their house.  He manages to mix them up here and lose pieces.
I think he might be an engineer!
Tonight Puddin and Pops took the boys to the Ole Miss basketball game.  Ford started feeling bad....I can't do two sick kids at once!!!!!!!
FIFTEEN years ago on this very night a handsome young lad from Tate County happened into the same establishment I was frequenting and sparks flew........the rest is history!
Goodbye 2017...Thank you for the memories.  May 2018 be even better!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Big Guy in red made a stop...

Amazon.  Ohhh how I love me some Amazon.  I give them lots of credit for my Christmas shopping.  Them and Black Friday.

So, Sunday night after the reindeer food was sprinkled and the tots were all nestled cozily in their beds, Santa came.

I do traditional things.  I try to be fun.  When Ford was small, like two or so, I would cover the doorway with wrapping paper in case he got up before morning.  It became a tradition for me to cover the doorway so they could bust through it on Christmas morning.  The "run through" is almost as important as the gifts!  (This is no lie).
 Waiting.  Oh the waiting.  Not so patiently on me to tape the runway and Puddin and Pops to get inside.
 Please note it's 6:15 AM.
 Bitty, well he was in a MOOD, and it took 30 minutes or so before he'd look at his stuff.
 Magna Tiles are so cool.
 After Santa stuff we moved to another room for wrapped gifts under the tree.  Annie got herself a Boogie Board.
 At 1:30 we went to Puddin and Pops's house...
 Then at 3:00 we went to Bobba's....
 Bobba has a cell phone and an Ipad, which Annie tried to take over.
 Bobba and her 8 grandchildren...
 The three spouses, plus the 3 great grandchildren...
 Bobba's 5 kids...
 And the spouses, minus Pops because he turned into a pumpkin, plus 3 little photo bombers...
Christmas was mighty special this year for me.  I can only wonder how amazing it was in Heaven for my mother!....And my Granddaddy who experienced his first Christmas in Heaven!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...