Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Nifty Thanksgiving Table Cloth

This time of year is so busy that sometimes you wonder if you can catch your breath.  It’s such a fun time with all the holidays, decorations, family festivities, hustle and bustle, and such.  It’s also very difficult for me without my mom.  It was this time two years ago when she was so sick.  Thanksgiving always really reminds me of her because that’s one of the last good times we had together as a family.

This was the third consecutive year that I’ve hosted my family at my house.  Dad claims since I have two ovens that I get to host.  Nonetheless, it’s fun….
 I found this nifty table cloth at Wal-Mart.  It kept the kids busy for 10-15 minutes so I guess I got my monies worth!
 The adult table which I am pleased to say I decorated all by myself.
 Bitty only ate meat and deer meat sauce (Country Bobs).
Fifteen minutes before the food was supposed to come out of the oven it occurred to me that I didn't cook the peas or butter beans.  My brain has moved elsewhere I think.
 Aunt Ashley and Molly Cate braided Annie's hair.
 Ken was over served. 
After everyone left and my house was cleaned, I hopped in the car at 4:00 to get Jennifer for some Black Friday shopping.  I figured the Rebels would lose the Egg Bowl, so I didn't bother watching.  Surprisingly, they won, and I was home by 10:30.
 Our elf, Elfie, came on Thanksgiving night and brought glasses.
 Otis is still hanging with us.  He's grown from 11 pounds to around 25 pounds and will probably be 60-70 when fully grown.  He's a wild dog and Annie says he jumps so she wants a new dog.
 Bitty's class is on letter "Ff" so we made my famous F cookies.  F is the only letter cookie cutter I own.  I've been taking F cookies since Ford was in 2K.
 Updates on the kids:

Ford-  He talks so much.  I'm wondering if there's a support group for kids who feel the need to speak every waking minute of their life.  I'd sign him up.  He's wrapping up this semester and his lowest grade is a 96 thus far.  He is also very into his looks...notice those sweat bands!

Bitty- We're still waiting on the glasses.  His eyes turn in towards his nose when he's focusing on you.  He's still in his needy stage and wants me all day long.  He might need an intervention.  Bit still loves math and request math problems daily.  He can add numbers up to the millions place on paper.

Annie-  Oh my gosh...the terrible two's, the horrible three's...whatever!  I mean she won't listen.  It's her way or the highway.  When I get on to her she looks at me stupid, calls me "yes sir", won't listen, etc.  It's going to be a challenging ride until she straightens out.  Notice I didn't say when I thought that would be!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful Lists 2017

Each day from November 1 until today I have asked the children "who or what" they are thankful for.  Here is the 2017 lists....

2017 Thankful Lists….
1.     Otis
2.   Annie
3.   Jesus
4.   God
5.   Gran
6.   Daddy
7.   Bit
8.   Momma
9.   Puh
10.  BoomPa
11. Pops
12.  Bobba
13.  Ms. Patty
14.  Bo (in laws’ dog)
15.  Molly Cate, Caroline, and Jack
16.  Uncle Vance
17.  Mrs. Emily
18.  TA
19.  Aunt Pam
20. TV
21. Coke
22.  Our house
23.  Every single person in our family
John Brantley
1.     Momma
2.   Snoopdog (Otis)
3.   Daddy
4.   The whole world
5.   Gran
6.   Jesus
7.   The Holy Spirit
8.   Daddy taking us to the woods to shoot a deer
9.   Ford
10.  Annie
11.  God
12.   BoomPa
13.   Ms. Patty
14.    Pops
15.    Puh
16.    Eli
17.  That we celebrate a good Christmas
18.   That we celebrate a good Thanksgiving
19. Everyone who lives in the cousins’ house
20.  Coke
21.  TV
22.   Momma holds me a lot
23.  Valentine’s Day
1.     God
2.   Jesus
3.   Daddy
4.   Momma
5.   Ford
6.   Bit
7.   BoomPa
8.   Bobba
9.   Puh
10. Pops
11. Otis
12.  Ms. Patty
13. Ava Beth and Kate (friends from school)
14. Waylon (friend from school)
15.  Mrs. Kay (teacher)
16.  Mary Jo (teacher)
17. TA
18.  Emery and Maggie
19.  TA’s grandmother (Aunt Adele)
20. Toys
21.  TV
22. Paw Patrol
23.  The cousins

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Turkey Day Parties and the Zoo

The babies all had functions on their last day of school before Thanksgiving Break.  Sadly enough, I wasn’t able to make it to all three events.   Since Ford is older, I knew he wouldn’t mind me missing his field trip to the zoo.  I sent him to see those lions, tigers, and bears with his good buddy, Langston.  Photo credits are given to his mom!
 Ford, Lucas, and Langston
 Jude, Landon, Langston, and Ford
 Ford and Ty
 Mrs. Mary Jo, Annie's teacher, is always so sweet to send pictures of their class!
 I was able to make it to about 30 minutes of Annie's party....
 She loves a "Pre Sun" (Capri Sun).
 Bitty's class had an all out feast complete with turkey and fixings...
 Elizabeth, Emerson, and Bit....he's a ladies man.
 These were real deal plates and bowls...
 This child challenges me daily.  He tests my patience and my nerves.  He loves me fiercely and wants to be held and loved on 24/7.  He's whiny and needy and cries multiple times a day.  I remind myself this is a stage and it will pass.  I need to cling to the fact that he still wants and needs me, because one day he won't.
 My Bit....

Oh y'all know me.... I LOVE a tradition and Christmas pajamas are one of them! Bit Annie Ford Annie's note to Santa  The run through...