Monday, December 19, 2016


Tra-ditions!!!  By now you should know that I am all about a tradition.  They make me happy and gives us something exciting to look forward to.  My children only have 3 cousins, and boy do they love those kids.  The ages range from 10.5 years down to 22 months.

Yesterday we met up at The Pink Palace to tour The Enchanted Forest.  This is a tradition we have with "the cousins".
 Molly Cate is the best babysitter.  I literally let her wag Annie around all night.
 Caroline and Ford are 12 months apart in age.  These two are competitive with each other.
 Jack and Bitty
 Aunt Ashley loves her some Annie.
 I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to touch the exhibits.
 And we always see Santa
 Annie L-O-V-E-S Santa!!!
 The brother in laws
 The sister in laws.
BoomPa came, but I didn't get his picture!!!!  Shame on me.

Annual cousin with Santa Christmas picture!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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