Thursday, August 18, 2016

On to the next activity

  Sometimes, yes sometimes, I think being a greeter at The Wal-Mart might be the most fabulous job around, on days when I am counting down the minutes until the next activity.  Like today for instance, the TV wouldn't work.  I actually think it did work, I just needed to reset the blasted cable box and I refused to do such.  That left Bitty and me... Me and Bitty... Mother and Son time.  Lord be with me.  This child can NOT play by himself.  He can watch TV by himself, but he needs ME to play.  We painted.  We did body art.  We made ANOTHER cake.  We read 2372438957 Dr. Seuss books, and then finally the next activity came... time to pick up Ford.
Yes, I am fully aware I am not an artist and I shouldn't attempt to ever paint faces for a living!  (It was a football).
Apparently that Lamar family has some strong genes.  My children, especially Ford, look like them.  Then there are days that I see myself in Annie and try to do a little comparison, and usually get shot down again.
Me at 19 months and Annie at almost 18 months.
If Miss Priss doesn't get her way she takes to the floor.  WHO taught her this?  I definitely don't throw fits on the floor and the boys didn't!
Be still my heart (this phrase really does drive me nuts when I read it on Facebook), BUT this was the first time she insisted on bringing a baby doll when we left the house!
The other afternoon I was on the back porch washing windows while the kids played in the yard.  It started storming so quickly out of nowhere and then a rainbow appeared.
While Ford played football...
In other news... we often times make cakes in our Paw Patrol undies...
It was sort of a fight over licking the bowl.
When you get pictures of your kid at school...
Y'ALL, be impressed.....
Some work I found in his folder...
Back to the Wal-Mart greeter gig... so the other day I decided to hide from my kids.  There was so much screaming and commotion going on that I ran to the study to hide.  I think they about cleaned out the pantry in the few moments I had of solitude.  It was all good, even when Annie spilled 22,000 popcorn kernels on the floor.  Then Bitty came streaking down the hall, yes, just like the stork brought him.  He was upset when I told him to get dressed.
I like that Ford calls tennis shoes "Tanna Shoes".   Another thing I don't correct.

Personal hygiene is key to a successful life.
What you can't tell is that Sister is the master hugger now.  She is squeezing my neck!
I had to take BoomPa for the annual colonoscopy the other day and Samantha came to babysit.  You may recall she is one of our babysitters.  Well, She decided that it was time for her and T to have a baby and Acklen has kind of interfered with her sitting schedule around here.  BUT, I convinced her to come help while I took dad to the doctor.  Acklen had lots of good loving while I was gone.
I think Annie would like to play with him everyday!
When your momma puts you in the car seat and all you really want to do is play like you're driving the car.
And it's NOT okay!
"eeeeeeeeeese"  (Cheese)
I've mentioned a special lady to y'all before.  Special isn't even a great enough word to describe her.  She's amazing.  Mrs. Kay sends countless letters/cards/happies/gifts/acts of love to people everywhere.  She sent my mom a card EVERY SINGLE WEEK for over two years.  And y'all, I still get cards from her reminding me that she still thinks of my mom and my sister in law's mom.  The world needs more people like Mrs. Kay.
And the envelope always says....
More 100's this week for my little first grade scholar.
And this makes me LAUGH!!!!!  He didn't get his way.
7:30 AM and off to school we go!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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