Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bo to school, Open House, and She loves chocolate

  The 3K is studying "Pets" this week in class, and Mrs. Laura asked that people bring their pets for show and tell.  Well, since we don't have a tame pet, just the squirrels, geese, ducks, turtles, snakes, and cranes in our backyard, we had to "borrow" a pet.  Yes, you can borrow pets.  It's totally legal, especially if the pet belongs to your Puddin and Pops.
 Bo made his second debut in 3K.  He got to go last year too.  I'm not sure the trauma had worn off from that visit to be honest.
 Bo is a Boykin Spaniel that has three legs.  He forgot to look both ways when crossing the street.
 Bitty was getting smart with Daddy.
 After Show and Tell about Bo the dog Annie and I had to go to a visitation for a friend who lost her dad last week to cancer and her mom 20 days before that to cancer.  Heartbreaking isn't even the word.  I HATE CANCER!!!!!!!  But I love my special cuddling and rocking time I get with Sister.
 Last night was "Open House" at school and I sort of LOVE those things.  I had to take my pictures for the blog you know.

Ford's turn....
 I enjoyed this project.
 His seed he's trying to grow.
 Front and center.  I love it.
 Bitty's turn.....
 We HAD to wear our Paw Patrol shirt since we have to wear uniforms every other day.
 I was loving all of their hard work!
 This little girl looks too old....and I don't like it!
 On the way home from Wal-Mart she was "needing" a chocolate granola bar... I glanced in the mirror and......
 She loves chocolate JUST like me!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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