Thursday, March 24, 2016

13 months

Ohhhh sweet baby love.  My Wan Wan is 13 months old.  I have noticed a lot of changes from 12-13 months.  For starters, she is a full time walker.  That crawling mess is over and for the birds.  I mean it isn't easy on the knees you know.  She started really doing her thing the day after he birthday, which would also be the day after tubes!  

And the tubes are working.  I spare you the pictures of the junk oozing (yes, I hate that word) out of her ear, but one day she felt rotten.  I thought she had pink eye, she didn't thank goodness, and she needed some extra momma lovin.
Feeling yuck requires extra rest.
I was on the phone with the Representative, aka Fancy, and I heard Annie yelling.  I immediately asked Bitty what he did to her.  He was innocent.  She had crawled into his barn and couldn't get out!!!!!
This is one time in your life that it's cute to be fat.
We went to a birthday party last weekend and they had not only one, but TWO Mickey's.  I'll have you know that Bitty is steadily planning his party, on June 13.  He wants a flaugie (camouflage) and green party.  He wants two Mickey's, two Santas, and to hunt Easter eggs.  Original, huh!
This little one is weighing in at 22 lbs.  All her other stats are the same from 12 months.
She finally learned you must suck to get the juice from a sippy cup.
She is prissy and bossy.  She's dramatic and sweet.  She's spunky and strong willed.  She's spoiled, determined, sassy, needy, clingy, squealy, and all that stuff.
She wants her way when she wants it, and if she doesn't get it...well, you see!
She loves her momma and I get the pleasure of putting her to bed every night.  It's kind of my thing.  For the past almost 7 years I have been getting babies to sleep like a champ.
She loves chocolate like her momma.
Life is just more fun with her around.  Happy 13 months on 3/23/16!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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