Friday, December 18, 2015

Party- Gingerbread house style

I'm not even going to lie.  The truth will set you free, right!?!?!  I am glad that school is out (I think), for a few weeks and some of the demands of being a little kids are over.  Getting up at 5:20 AM isn't my cup of tea.  I know I don't "work" (I actually do work my buns off, I just don't collect a cash allowance weekly), but that up with the roosters morning wake up call is necessary for my personal hygiene.  Can I get an "AMEN"!!!

So last week I made two giant gingerbread men for the boys to take to school and share with their friends.  Their teachers, whom I love, sent pictures....
They look like a loud time don't they!
 Polar Express Day....
 Wear your Christmas gear day...
 The boys in Bit's class
And finally, the last day of school and PARTY day!!!!!
 Mrs. Kristy, Bitty, and Mrs. Laura.  These special ladies taught Ford and will get the distinguished honor of teaching Bitty TWO times.   If they are still alive I guess they'll have Annie too. I send happies often to keep the peace!
 Reindeer food we made....
 Bit's bag of treasures.  
 3K party
 Making a gingerbread house....
 Gotta make sure it's fresh
 And the crazy part was BOTH parties were at the SAME time so I was steadily running back and forth between classes.  Trey was also recruited to come.
 He does this I hate the world smile now.
 Very meticulous...
 Bit's house
 Much better smile
 John Brantley, Claire, and Walt
 The 3Kers had to wrap their own gifts.
 Bows... lots of bows!!!
 Ford's house....
 The video I took of those little tikes opening their gifts was funny.
 The stash....
 He got chapstick aka chat chat
 Ford's class
 This makes me smile.... They were glad their daddy came.  I was glad too!  I didn't even hurt him for borrowing my camera two days earlier, not returning it when I asked, and then running the battery down.  Therefore my pictures were all from my phone.
 Ford and Mrs. Tammy
 Ford and Mrs. Allison
 Yep, no words needed
 Parties wear a kid out.... the end!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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