Well, we've been home for a week and things have actually
gone surprisingly well. Annie is a dream
baby. I don’t want to jinx myself, but
she really is. I have allowed my boys to
be loud and wild all around her. She sleeps
through major chaos and rarely cries.
She gets upset if: she’s hungry, has dirty pants, or is tired of being
in a certain position too long. And her
cries aren't much… just little whimpers.
Ford and Bit are obsessed. The
newness definitely hasn't worn off.
Ford wants to hold her all the time. Who am I kidding, John Brantley does
too. John Brantley has actually far
exceeded my expectations. He is super
sweet and helpful. If she starts crying
he will take off running to get her paci.
He also assists with every diaper change he is awake for. He likes to hand me the wipes, diaper, and he
disposes of all dirties.
His lap runneth over….
breast feeding Annie, as I did my boys.
I honestly can’t imagine not being able to feed her myself. I know that some babies won’t cooperate and
some moms just can’t do it, so I am so thankful I am able to. It’s a huge commitment, but I love it. It’s a special time and I feel such a bond
with my babies. Annie caught on to
eating a lot quicker than Ford and Bitty did. She is a very messy eater and dribbles milk all over both of us.
She eats every 2-3 hours during the day depending on her sleep
schedule. At night she goes about 4 or
4.5 hours.Bobba and her first great-granddaughter
First bath at home...
She got M-A-D when I pulled a band-aid off of her leg from the hospital.This little guy loves some tools. We put batteries in his drill and he fixed things in the house all day.
Excellent sleeper.
Most people in the south get very excited about snow and days off of school. Honestly I used to until we missed 7 or 8 days in the last 3 weeks. I’m over it people. OVER IT!!!!!!! Today was another inclement weather day, and guess what???.... tomorrow is too. The boys wanted to go check it out today so out we went during one of Annie’s naps.
John Brantley got frustrated that his 4-wheeler got stuck so many times. After about 15 minutes he requested to go inside and take a hot bath.
We are moving this weekend. It's crazy that 10 days ago I had a baby via C-Section and since then I have been packing boxes to move. I could collapse and die soon. Trey wants to know why I have started snoring since coming home from the hospital. I responded with... I'm EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!
And a BIG BIG thanks to those of you who have brought us supper. It has made my life so much easier and for that I am thankful!!!!!
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