Sunday, March 1, 2015

Annie's Baby Story- Part 2

So we were supposed to be at the hospital on Monday morning at 5:30, but naturally we weren't.  I don’t know how many of you know my husband, but time management is NOT his strong point.  Tardiness drives me flipping nuts, and he has made me late everywhere we have gone for the last 12 years of dating and marriage.

I think I walked up to the window on the second floor about 5:40 and told the lady I was there to have my baby.  Within 10 minutes, I was called back to get ready for the big day.  I was asked lots of questions and some more questions, and a few more after that.  Finally, they let Trey join me in the “holding room.”  I had on my glamorous gown and the nurses were prepping me for surgery.  The nurse who gave me my IV in my hand almost heard me say some not so kind words.  My gosh it hurt!!!  We must all know that I am not one for pain though.
 Going into this big day Trey and I had discussed me getting my tubes tied.  That was the plan.  And will you know that after talking to the doctors and nurses it was Trey who got nervous about it and wouldn't let them tie me up.  That leaves the ball in his court… he can take one for the team since I didn't.  The nurses also asked me to remove my contacts.  I had two sections with the boys and was never asked to remove my contact lenses, so I refused.  Apparently if something goes wrong and you must be put to sleep for an emergency c-section they have to tape your eyes shut and could damage your cornea.  I took my chances.

Lots of people were in and out of the room during the hour we were waiting for surgery.  A man came in and asked if I would be interested in donating my tissue.  Apparently a lot is discarded after birth that can be used in surgeries to help other people.  I told him sure.  I am all about helping others so we gave him the go ahead.

About 7:05 Dr. Pickens came in and said they were ready for surgery and we would get started early.  I got nervous.  I knew what my future held and I was scared.  Things this go round were much clearer than with the boys.  My water broke with both boys so it was complete panic and rush rush to get things moving along.  I was completely coherent and pain free so I was soaking up all that was happening.  Well, it was time and I kissed Trey and off they wheeled me through several doors down to the O.R.  We got there and it was freezing!!!!!  I’m pretty sure everything in there was sterile.
 I was scared.  I saw all the huge lights, the numerous silver cutting utensils, and the machines all around.  I started shaking.  I think it was a combination of extreme cold and nerves.  I was asked to move over to the operating bed and sit up and hug my pillow.  Ohhhh I was scared.  I hate a needle and I knew they were about to give me my spinal tap in the back.  I started praying.  Praying.  Praying.   Fortunately, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I was told that my bottom might burn and one of my legs would feel a tingle and burn.  They were right.  I felt it and quick.  The doctor and his helpers were just carrying on like everything was all jolly.  I was nervous and wondering where Trey was.
Finally he came in there and low and behold, he actually watched some of the procedure.  I firmly and sternly instructed him NOT to tell me what was going on or what he saw.  I had recently watched a video that showed how graphic and terrible a c-section really is.  I knew what was going on, but I pretended I didn't.  I could feel movements and pressure, but no pain.  I heard them say, “I see hair.  Lots of hair.  Dark hair.”  Within seconds they had pulled Annie out.  It was 7:36 AM.
My sweet preciousness came out quickly and easily.   This was my best delivery by far!!!  
Sarah Suzanne “Annie” Lamar
7 pounds 3 ounces
19 ¾ inches 
 Ohhh this is one proud Daddy!!!!!!
 Lovely huh…. They put that medicine on babies eyes who are born by a section.
 Looks like a traumatic experience.  I missed all of this.  I was being sewn up.
Within 20 minutes or so, we were wheeled down to recovery where I was assessed and Annie was as well.  Finally, I got to hold my little girl.
And Gran and BoomPa were allowed to come back too.
And what do all good mothers do?  They immediately ask for the cute hospital caps that have bows on them!!!!!  Yep, I did!
To be continued.....


Christy said...
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Christy said...

Congratulations, she's beautiful!

Brettni Brumfield said...

Sweet Annie! Congrats, Jill!

Pat Day said...

Beautiful Mommy and baby!! Sweet Annie

Anonymous said...

She is adorable!! Looks like her big brothers. Someone did a great job with pictures :)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...