Pregnancy Update….
I need to know who said that pregnancy is 9 months??? Because, according to my calculations I
should be D-O-N-E baking. I am 36 weeks
which = 9 months. Now, don’t take this
as complaining, because that I am not. I
am no fool. I know that it is easier with
Little Miss in here all nice and incubating than when she makes her grand debut. And grand I’m sure it’ll be!!!
I went to the doctor on Thursday for my 36 weeks appointment
and check-up. I am pleased to announce
(tooting my horn a bit) that I did NOT gain any weight this week. I am 29 pounds and holding. Ole Nursie tried to tell me that I had gained
2 pounds, and I said, “Ohhh no.” I guess
she didn't believe me so she checked my chart, and I was correct. No extra poundage here. Now I am sure when I go this week I’ll gain
like 8 pounds or something cool like that, but I was happy with a nice 0!!!
I hadn't dilated or thinned out. The doctor said that my cervix was very thin
and he could feel her head. Honestly,
that kind of grossed me out. I also told
him NOT to break my water because it was NOT time for her to come.
The upper sides of my legs have started to ache. I am sure it’s the 29 pounds I am carrying
around that are not part of my normal physique.
That’s okay. This too shall
pass. The Beast is still representing in
full force. Okay… prayer request time. I would like for y’all to all please pray
that when Annie comes out that the hernia will go back into permanent hibernation. I honestly cannot fathom having a surgery to
remove the dang thing. I don’t have time
for that!
I’m pretty much over house building. Our builders have been fabulous, but the
other clowns not so much. The cabinet
man will send me into full blown pregnant woman crazy mode if he doesn’t get a
fire under his butt soon. By the time he
delivers my kitchen cabinets it’ll be about a half of a month late. I have been sugar and spice and everything
nice to all these jokers working on my house, but I think he felt my frustration
yesterday when I called. I informed him
that he is holding me up on my floors, counter tops, appliances, and I added I
was having a baby and we needed to get the SHOW ON THE ROAD!!! They don’t care. Not one flipping bit. It’s discouraging that I’ll be moving with a
newborn in tow now, and that was NOT the original plan.
This was my bedroom the other day. Lovely huh???? I have since cleaned it, some… but it’s a disaster
knowing you can’t unpack and get settled because it’s time to move again. My baby girl has to sleep somewhere over
there too… in a pack-n-play. I PROMISE,
under normal circumstances, this is not my personality type. I have sort of “given up” trying.
John Brantley’s sleeping habits are a pure nightmare. He is like a newborn. At least I am still 100% in the waking up at
all hours of the night faze. I put him
to sleep in his room and he wanders to my room EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. There is no crying. He just comes and joins me. Now, this is a problem. Annie will be here soon and also in my room,
so his presence won’t work. Bitty
needs somebody. He needs to cuddle. He wants to touch you or hold your hand. My lack of sleep is not cool and I am in
desperate need of rest. I have pawned
him off on Ford!!!!!! The last two
night, against Ford’s will, Bitty has bunked up for his Bubba. He stayed in there ALL NIGHT!!!!!! I got this picture of us before I got up the
other night.
You turn your back for 30 seconds and.....
You turn your back for 30 seconds and.....
Ford at the same age.... what's up with my boys and green faces????
Back to the baby doctor tomorrow.....
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