Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The new doo

Last weekend we were invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.  You better believe the Lamar boys were 100% ALL IN.  We headed up, and since Gran and BoomPa don’t live too far away they joined us as well.  It’s always nice to have extra hands when I’m trying to keep up with my wild ones.

John Brantley literally rode this horse 10 times.
 BoomPa was a good sport and made sure that Ford won the game!!!
 On our way home we stopped by to see one of my friends who has all kinds of good stuff at her house.  The main reason for the visit was to see her pig.  I love a pig and will have one myself one day.  I will name him Pickles, but for the meantime, Tiner’s pig gets to be called Pickles.
 They feed Pickles sweet potatoes.  Naturally, Ford helped, or he thought he did!!!
 John Brantley enjoyed their trailer.
 Ohhh and they have a tractor.  Bitty isn't good at sharing.  It’s a hard hard lesson for him to grasp.  Can you tell???
 My babies before church on Sunday
 I think his hands got dirty!!!!!
On the days we have to get up and get moving to take Ford to school is when Bitty wants to sleep in.  Go figure!  Monday was hard on the little guy.  I even put Ford in there with him!
 The many fits of John Brantley….
Ford had a buddy come and play.  They were into superheroes in a BIG way!
 John Brantley doesn't discriminate… He will wear my shoes and borrow a purse any day of the week!
I often times make mistakes.  I’m human!!!  Today I made one.  I decided that John Brantley needed a BIG BOY haircut.  Why????  I was tired of him being called a girl and his hair looking like a rat’s nest in the back.
 John Brantley grabbed a sucker before his cut.
 After =(
Since we are supposed to have rain tomorrow, we literally spent the majority of the day outside.  We went to the old farm and played on hay bales.  Ford was ALL about this.  JB… not so much!
New hair doo….. I must tell myself… It will grow back.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...