Sunday, January 5, 2014

My very own Clark Griswold

I was beginning to think I was going to rename Fancy to Clark Griswold from the “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”.  No, our house wasn't covered in thousands of lights, but the Representative WOULD NOT take my blasted tree down.  I decorated before Thanksgiving, which has NEVER happened might I add, and then last Saturday I was ready for some normalcy.  I took all the décor down and all that was left was my tree.  I waited.  I asked.  I demanded.  I asked again.  Finally today I said he HAD TO TAKE IT DOWN.  He was in there complaining more than a woman about taking the 3 piece Christmas tree apart.  Then he started saying that next year we would have a real tree and he was going to throw my fake tree away.  I am pretty partial to my “artificial” tree and think it’s lovely.  He told me it was heavy and he couldn't get it into the attic.  I was sick of hearing him whine and fuss.  I gave him three choices: 1.  I take the tree up and if I get it all the way up there he has to succumb to my “honey do list”.  2.  I take the tree up and if I don’t get it up he can take a nap and I won’t disturb him.  OR 3.  He can do it himself.  Well, Fancy agreed that I COULD TRY.   Before I began he told Ford to get the phone ready to call 911 because I was going to hurt myself.  I will have you ALL know that I, Jill Anthony Lamar, got that tree IN THAT ATTIC!!!!!!!  And don’t think I didn't do a little jig when I got up there and sing a ditty too.  And no, he didn't complete his honey do list.  =(

I really have been slacking on my blogging here lately.  Last Friday night we went and stayed out at the farm.  We started the night off by grilling steaks.  I bought two 8 ounce filets, thinking that would be plenty, for Trey and me to eat and to give the boys some here and there.  Remind me next time to get John Brantley his own 8 ounce filet.  The boy might only weigh 21 pounds, but he definitely is a carnivore.
 Ford was more interested in lying on the couch than eating a steak and potato.
 Delta had herself a FINE time licking the dinner plates when everyone was done.   
 You can’t have a big ole steak without dessert.  Next, we headed out back for s’mores!!!  I was all fired up about this activity.  I should have known that Trey and I would be the only ones to participate in the eating of the s’mores.   Ford sort of flipped out when the marshmallow wasn't completely white anymore and refused to eat them.  Both boys settled for chocolate only and collecting wood for our little fire.
Saturday morning Trey went hunting, of course, and the boys and I went home and headed to our neighbor’s train birthday party.  Sweet Micah turned two!  
 Santa brought Ford his VERY own razor and shaving cream.  My little space nerd was thrilled to find this treasure in his stocking on Christmas morning.  He proudly announced to everyone that he could now shave his legs.  Trey quickly chimed in and said he had been around his mother way too long and boys only shave their faces!!!!
 Every night before we go to bed my babies need them some milk!!!
One day last week we went out to our property, where we hope to begin building in the near future, to burn sticks.  Ford likes to bring his 4-wheeler out there so he can ride where he has lots of room.  Naturally, Bitty wants to ride too and this is irritating to Ford.  I told him he had to take John Brantley on a quick spin.  
 It definitely was quick.  He dropped John Brantley off and said he was going riding somewhere that was much too dangerous for his brother.  Oh the excuses begin!
 I can’t wait to look out my window at this view every day!
 John Brantley found sticks too!!!
 Ford found a really big one!!
The end!!!!!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Ohhhh Jill. I have finally caught up on your past like 5 blogs and am laughing away. Ford wanting to shave his legs!!? Our big boy farm-nerds and little no-talkers can't get together any sooner!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...