Friday, December 13, 2013

The little man is 18 months old

My baby is 18 months old today.  He’s a ball of fun and has a spunky attitude.  While I’m typing this blog he is ripping and tearing (screaming) in his bed.  We have quite the strong-willed child on our hands, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Yesterday, we went for his 18 month checkup and shots.  I absolutely dread shot days.  It just breaks my heart because he had no idea what was about to happen.  He was a trooper and literally cried 10 seconds.  I went in with my mind set that we would not get the MMR vaccine, but the doctor changed my mind.  I made Ford wait until he was 18 months for that one too.
John Brantley
Weight: 21.2 lbs. Under 5th percentile
Height: 32 inches
25th percentile
Head circumference- 48.5 cm
Weight: 24.3 lbs. 25th percentile
Height: 50th percentile
HHHead circumference: 75th percentile
 The doctor was asking me a lot of questions about Bitty, one of which does he talk.  I said not really.  He only says two words, but he is very vocal and squeals a lot and he understands whatever I say to him.  She gave me a look.  I asked how many words he should be saying and she told me at least 15.  Ummmm negative to that.  I can’t compare him to Ford because he could have given a 10 minute speech at 18 months.  Finally, she suggested that I take Bitty to speech therapy.  We shall see how that goes!!!!

The other day we finger painted.  I think he thoroughly enjoyed making a mess and wiping more paint on his clothes than on the paper!
 John Brantley is obsessed with shoes.  He prefers to wear his crocs all the time.  He constantly finds shoes around the house and brings them to the rightful owner.

He is still napping twice a day and sleeps 11-12 hours a night.  He won’t eat fruit, but I have started making smoothies in the blender and he sucks them down.
 We still haven’t had a haircut, but it’s coming soon!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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