Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Very rare moment

 Something Trey looks forward to all year long is something I dread.  It’s a strong passion of his: hunting.  Why do I dread it?  Well, selfishly, it takes time away from us and gives me more responsibility with the boys on the weekends.  Dove season opened up this past Sunday at 2:00.  Trey has been going to the same hunt ever since we have lived here and it’s become kind of a big party so the kids and I went too.
In order to attend such a function you must dress the part.  I had my boys in their camo, however, I didn't wear any.  It was too hot for the camouflage that I own.  
The host himself, Mr. McKellar!!!  He secretly loves Ford even though Ford wears him out with all of his talking!  
 We are professional birthday party goers.  Ford had a party on Saturday morning.  It was complete with a bouncy house and a balloon lady!!!  The balloon lady was a BIG hit!!!
 He asked for a green shark.  It turned out more like an alligator.   
 Grabbing the piñata candy....  Of course my selective child only got sweet- tarts because they are his favorite.     
 Usually when we are riding in the car Bitty is making some sort of squealing noise, Ford is talking about whatever his little mind is thinking about (planets, Mickey Mouse, tractors, plows, how much gas we have in the car. Etc), and Trey is trying to talk to me out worldly affairs.  I have actually threatened to jump out of the car and walk home before because I feel like it’s a competition as to who can get my attention.  Sometimes it’s nice just to ride in peace and look at the trees.  Saturday on the way home from Olive Branch this happened…. A VERY RARE moment…..      
 John Brantley is wild.  I often times refer to him as a little terrorist.  Even though he gets into everything and you have to keep your eyes on him 24/7 he is super sweet.  He LOVES Ford.  He hugs him constantly.  It makes me so happy to see this brotherly love that I am sure will end sooner than later.
 More dove hunting on Monday…..
 Ford and Trey actually sat out there for an hour.  John Brantley and I only went by for a photo shoot.
 We love to go to the new farm and ride the gator.
 Wal-Mart is one of my downfalls in life.  I actually hate the store because it’s usually crowded with slow people who have no business taking up an entire aisle and abandoning their cart.  And the Wal-Mart in Mayberry is famous for being out of whatever I am looking for.  But I did hit the jackpot on these matching Batman pajamas for $6.00.  I think it’s adorable to dress my boys alike.  I know it won’t last long so I must enjoy it while I can.  Gran and Puddin size 5t and 18 months if you see any more matching pajamas.  Thanks in advance!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...