Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Real Mr. Independent

Yes, I am still alive.  It’s very unlike me not to blog for a solid week.  I’m not really sure what I did all last week, but I stayed busy.  I was in one of my super productive- got to get it done- type moods.

We did spend some time playing outside.  John Brantley has mastered driving Ford’s John Deere tractor.  Unfortunately, he can’t steer it, but he sure can press the pedal and go.  
 Ford loves all outdoor tools and equipment.  Trey broke his weed eater so we had to borrow one from Pops.
 He is doing a really good job riding his bike.  He did crash the other day and decided he needed his training wheels back on.  Luckily, there was no blood and after a little convincing he decided he wouldn't put them back on that he could do it!
 I have said it before, but I will say it again….this child has a sweet tooth the size of Texas.  He doesn't eat enough to feed a bird, yet when the sweets come out he starts screaming to be included.
 The other night when Trey got home from work we all 3 followed him to our bedroom while he changed clothes.  John Brantley was pulling shoes out of Trey’s closet and Ford and I were lying on the bed.  Ford was jabbering away as always.  I spoke up, to Trey, and said, “You never have to wonder what Ford is thinking.  When stuff pops in his head it comes right out.”  Naturally, my very literal child, didn't understand that I meant he didn't have a filter and he talks nonstop, 24/7, and he shot back with, “When stuff pops you in the head it hurts!!!!”  You gotta love our Ford!
 This child LOVES ice!!!!
 There have been times when I have referred to Ford as “Mr. Independent”.  That of course was before we had our Bitty.  I take back calling Ford Mr. Independent, and I am gifting that name to John Brantley.  The other night I cooked a good meal and he absolutely refused to try anything.  Instead he wanted to feed himself some apple sauce.  I didn't have any on the squeeze pouches so he had to use the cup kind.  He would scoop the apple sauce, turn the spoon upside down, and spill it ALL over himself.  Two apple sauces and two baby foods later I think 10% of it got in his mouth.
 It’s never easy to take pictures of these two.
 Bitty found Ford’s safety goggles and had a large time putting them on and taking them off.  I think we played that game for a good 20 minutes.  On a side note, I believe we have another right handed baby.  He had a good chance of being a lefty, but it doesn't look like he will be.   
 I rarely wear my glasses.  I had lazy eye at age 4 and got hot pink glasses in pre-school.  I had glasses for 8 years, until 6th grade, when I got contacts.  I pretty much vowed never to wear glasses again.  I hated that 8 years of my life and really didn't let my mom put pictures up of me in glasses.  The other day I got something in my eye and needed to wear my glasses that afternoon.  Ford wanted to model them for me!   
 Army helmet     
 My babies before church this morning…. I am so blessed that they love each other so much.  Again, picture taking of two kids isn't my specialty.       
 Enough already!       
 After naps today we headed out to the new farm.  Ford wanted to help pops smooth the rocks in the new driveway.  Bitty was having NO part of riding that lawnmower.         
 The only time Delta likes John Brantley is when he has food.  John Brantley LOVES Delta!!!  He tries to ride her like a horse.           
 Pretend driving           
 I've started my Christmas shopping.  Be jealous.  Be very jealous!!!             

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...