Friday, August 30, 2013

Where's my helmet???

Yesterday was pretty rough with Bitty.  He was extra fussy and extremely needy.  I tried to rock him for about 5 minutes for his morning nap.  It was like trying to restrain a wild animal.  He was bucking, kicking, screaming, sweating, flipping etc.  Finally I said, “Forget it!”  I thought that playing outside would be a marvelous idea.  While we were out there he did a lot of sneezing, his eyes watered, and his nose ran.  When it was time for his afternoon nap he started yelling 15 minutes after I put him down.  We rocked.  Then 15 minutes later there was more yelling.  Last night was even worse.  After texting Puddin we decided it was his ears and I gave him some numbing drops and he slept in my bed.  I didn't sleep with the tornado spinning beside me, but he did.  We went to the doctor this morning and he has the beginnings of a double ear infection.

When John Brantley takes off running I send Ford to capture him.  
 Fordman loves school.  He literally comes out grinning from ear to ear each day when I pick him up in car rider line.  He isn't doing any copied workbook pages.  They are actually doing lots of projects and studying different units.  This week they talked about “My Family”.  Ford drew this picture and I really love it.  This is the first picture that he has drawn of our family and I think it’s great!!!!  And you know I hung it up!
 So at the doctor they weighed John Brantley.  He came in at 19.5 lbs.  He’s small.  He’s obviously dieting.  John Brantley is 14.5 months old right now.  When he went to the doctor for his 12 month check-up he weighed 19.8.  Yep, you got it… he has lost weight, a whopping 3 ounces.  The doctor wasn’t impressed.  He’s below the 5th percentile.  I pleaded my case that the child won’t eat and he might turn into a granola bar.  She gave me some Pediasure to sample and suggested that I give him one a day to increase his calorie intake and hopefully that would help.
 We went to see my parents for the day on Tuesday.  BoomPa is the go to man for a tractor ride!!!
 Bitty was watching them ride and trying to decide if he should get on there too…???....
 Yep, he wanted to ride!!!!
After the heat was more than we could bear we headed back inside.  It makes me proud to see my boys playing with some of my old toys even if they are Barbie cars!!!!!!!!!!!!
 The other night I was bathing Ford and told him he had Alfalfa hair.  He asked what that was.  I showed him in the mirror.  He was very pleased!!!
 Ole Miss played Vandy yesterday.  No, I didn't watch the game because John Brantley was being a tough customer and it was WAY past my bedtime.  But the boys and I did have some pregame spirit in our jerseys!!!
 As if t-ball wasn’t enough, we have signed Ford up for soccer.  It was basically like telling him he was going to be playing Water Polo.  He had NO clue.  We went to Hibbett’s and bought the essentials: cleats, shin guards, socks, shorts, and a ball.  Once we had our stash Ford asked, “Where is my helmet??”  Yep, it’s going to be a long soccer season.  First practice is at 8:30 AM… Thanks Coach Brant!!!

He threw in some of Trey’s hunting gear.  That’s some kind of gun stick.  I really don’t know????
As I walked around my house tonight it was very evident that two little people live here.  There are toys scattered around my house in rooms we don’t even frequent on a daily basis.  As I am sitting at the computer I can see into a bathroom and John Brantley has apparently been into my pots and pans because a pie plate is sitting in front of the shower door.  It is frustrating to think that I paid someone to clean my house on Tuesday and before I went to bed that night a small hurricane had already come through my house.  But there’s no way I would rather live.  I stress about cleaning my house, cooking meals, folding laundry, and all the things that one thinks makes a perfect home.  There is no such thing as a perfect home.  The Lamar’s do not have a perfect home, but it’s the life I love and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Real Mr. Independent

Yes, I am still alive.  It’s very unlike me not to blog for a solid week.  I’m not really sure what I did all last week, but I stayed busy.  I was in one of my super productive- got to get it done- type moods.

We did spend some time playing outside.  John Brantley has mastered driving Ford’s John Deere tractor.  Unfortunately, he can’t steer it, but he sure can press the pedal and go.  
 Ford loves all outdoor tools and equipment.  Trey broke his weed eater so we had to borrow one from Pops.
 He is doing a really good job riding his bike.  He did crash the other day and decided he needed his training wheels back on.  Luckily, there was no blood and after a little convincing he decided he wouldn't put them back on that he could do it!
 I have said it before, but I will say it again….this child has a sweet tooth the size of Texas.  He doesn't eat enough to feed a bird, yet when the sweets come out he starts screaming to be included.
 The other night when Trey got home from work we all 3 followed him to our bedroom while he changed clothes.  John Brantley was pulling shoes out of Trey’s closet and Ford and I were lying on the bed.  Ford was jabbering away as always.  I spoke up, to Trey, and said, “You never have to wonder what Ford is thinking.  When stuff pops in his head it comes right out.”  Naturally, my very literal child, didn't understand that I meant he didn't have a filter and he talks nonstop, 24/7, and he shot back with, “When stuff pops you in the head it hurts!!!!”  You gotta love our Ford!
 This child LOVES ice!!!!
 There have been times when I have referred to Ford as “Mr. Independent”.  That of course was before we had our Bitty.  I take back calling Ford Mr. Independent, and I am gifting that name to John Brantley.  The other night I cooked a good meal and he absolutely refused to try anything.  Instead he wanted to feed himself some apple sauce.  I didn't have any on the squeeze pouches so he had to use the cup kind.  He would scoop the apple sauce, turn the spoon upside down, and spill it ALL over himself.  Two apple sauces and two baby foods later I think 10% of it got in his mouth.
 It’s never easy to take pictures of these two.
 Bitty found Ford’s safety goggles and had a large time putting them on and taking them off.  I think we played that game for a good 20 minutes.  On a side note, I believe we have another right handed baby.  He had a good chance of being a lefty, but it doesn't look like he will be.   
 I rarely wear my glasses.  I had lazy eye at age 4 and got hot pink glasses in pre-school.  I had glasses for 8 years, until 6th grade, when I got contacts.  I pretty much vowed never to wear glasses again.  I hated that 8 years of my life and really didn't let my mom put pictures up of me in glasses.  The other day I got something in my eye and needed to wear my glasses that afternoon.  Ford wanted to model them for me!   
 Army helmet     
 My babies before church this morning…. I am so blessed that they love each other so much.  Again, picture taking of two kids isn't my specialty.       
 Enough already!       
 After naps today we headed out to the new farm.  Ford wanted to help pops smooth the rocks in the new driveway.  Bitty was having NO part of riding that lawnmower.         
 The only time Delta likes John Brantley is when he has food.  John Brantley LOVES Delta!!!  He tries to ride her like a horse.           
 Pretend driving           
 I've started my Christmas shopping.  Be jealous.  Be very jealous!!!             

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Goodbye training wheels

We have reached a new milestone at the Lamar house.  Well, actually I can’t take credit for anything, it’s all Ford.  On Friday, he went to play with a little buddy of his.  This child is about 9 months older than Ford and has learned to ride his bike without training wheels.  As I was pulling out of the driveway I hollered at him to teach Ford how to ride a bike without training wheels.  Within 20 minutes I got a picture text from his mom of Ford riding without training wheels.  That night he and Trey took his off and he’s been riding great ever since!
 Not to be outdone by his older brother, Bitty got tooth #8.  He is pretty stingy and won’t let you look or feel in his mouth.  You must enter (your finger) at your own risk.  Those new teeth are like razors.  Not only did he get a new tooth, but he learned how to drive Ford’s tractor.  No, he can’t steer it so WATCH OUT!!!!  But he can push the pedal and make it zoom across the yard.

On Saturday we loaded up for a field trip to Oxford.  Trey and I love Oxford and don’t get over there near enough.  My grandfather is back in the hospital with several different problems so we stopped by to see him, ate lunch at Oby’s, and headed to Meet the Rebels.  Of course, Ford thought we were going to a football game.  We told him we were not seeing a game that we were going to the indoor practice facility to see the team and the cheerleaders.  Naturally with that comment he thought we were going to watch them practice football.  He’s a very literal child.  I had the boys all cute in their matching football shirts, but Ford dumped a gallon of ketchup on himself at lunch and we had to resort to our backup outfit.  
John Brantley got called a girl twice.  
 The weather has been much better this last week and we have been able to play outside a lot.
 Tonight we went to the farm to check things out.  I am slowly, but surely, trying to get John Brantley use to wearing shoes.  I found some of Ford’s old boots and slipped them on.  He didn't quite know how to walk in them.  Trey said he was “high stepping”.  When we got in the car he pulled them off and then pitched a fit. 
 Ford needed a few pictures too….
 Little boys love to drive trucks.
 John Brantley LOVES animals.  When we got to the farm house he immediately started squealing to see the deer head.  He hugs it, kisses it, and bites its ears and nose.  Kind of disgusting if you ask me!
 Playing outside….
 I rarely have time to get on Pinterest.  But the other night I had some spare time after the boys went to bed so I decided to browse a while.  I came across a homemade candle holder made out of sticks.  I thought to myself, “I can so do that!”  So I decided I would use bamboo instead….
 The glass candle holder I found at one of my favorite stores, Dollar Tree.
I hot glued them on.
 And here she is….
Naturally, Trey wasn't as impressed with my creation as I was.  I sawed that stupid bamboo for almost 45 minutes and got the beginnings of a blister on my finger.  I am not a candle person because smells bother me, but I am real proud of my bamboo candle holder!!!

Meal times are always exciting around here.  I can’t cook much and play referee, nurse, babysitter, police chief, and teacher to my boys.  I usually try to cook while they nap or at night.  Both of them are picky eaters, but John Brantley takes picky to a whole new level.  It’s downright frustrating.   One thing I have found that he will eat are sausage muffins.  I make them and put them in ziplock bags in the freezer.  We pop them in the microwave and have them several mornings a week.


1 lb. regular sausage, cooked and drained
1 can of Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 bag or 2 cups of Sharp Cheddar Cheese
3 cups Bisquik
¾ of a soup can of milk
Mix all the ingredients together and pour into greased muffin tins.  Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. 
(I use a mini muffin tin and make 24 small sausage muffins and have enough mixture left for 10 regular sized muffins as well).

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...