Sunday, March 31, 2013

If I begin to twitch or something

He is risen indeed!  Last night on Easter Eve, if you will, Trey and I spent a good while reading and explaining Good Friday, The Cross, The Empty Tomb, How Jesus is ALIVE and all to Ford.  We wanted to make sure he understood what Easter meant.  Yes, the Easter Bunny was coming to visit, but that is not why we celebrate Easter.  He really seemed to understand everything we talked about and was excited about it all.

Yesterday morning was kind of yucky and we were stuck indoors.  I sent Trey and Ford to Wal-Mart to gather eggs and a dye kit.  Ford loves a project and this was right up his alley.  

Jill, I want you to know that my child also loves to spend time in his pajamas like your boys!!!

 The Easter Bunny came to see the Lamar boys….
 Bitty enjoyed tasting all the wrappers, boxes, and bows.
Famous Ford quote of the morning… “Momma, we've had John Brantley all the way til Easter!!”

 I got up FOUR hours before we left for church this morning and I was still in a tizzy trying to get knee socks to stay up, and shoes to stay tied.  I really wanted a cute picture of my kids in their Easter attire, but that’s almost the equivalent to wanting to win the power ball lottery.  We tried…
 It NEVER fails.  When I try to take a picture of the boys together Ford wants to eat John Brantley’s hands.
 Then Uncle Vance was recruited to come over for a photo shoot in the midst of my nightmare session with the boys.  I think my blood pressure was up at this point for several reasons.  One being that the first 90 (not really but close) pictures of the boys were of John Brantley sticking his tongue out or Ford eating his hands.  Secondly, Trey was 20 minutes late getting dressed for church which is not a shocker to anyone who knows Trey.  And thirdly, I look like I have on a bathing suit cover up for an outfit!!!  My first option in the clothes department was a fail because the pants were too long.  My second choice was a sun dress I got last summer after I had JB.  It was too big up top.  So I was stuck wearing my Old Navy sun dress because I had literally 5 minutes to spare before we left.  Ohh and number four… my hair has fallen out so much since I had John Brantley that all the new hairs growing back are wild and have a mind of their own.  There isn't enough hair spray to hold these puppies down.  Will someone please buy me a nice wig, I’m serious!
 We didn’t get a lot of pictures taken outside because it’s been raining in Mayberry for the last 3 days.  John Brantley couldn’t keep his arms still in the pictures.  He was doing the YMCA or something!!!
 Easters of the past…


With tomorrow starting a new month it’s time for me to start a new monthly goal of giving something up.  Let’s recap… January was fast food.  February was carbonated beverages.  And now March is dinner rolls.  I did cheat just once at my friend’s birthday luncheon.  Puddin has worked with me nicely on Sunday lunches because there hasn't been much bread around.  But don’t get me wrong, I have been tempted.  I have given my April goal much thought and I think I have it.  It’s going to be hard.  The absolute worst one yet and I am not 100% sure I can do this, but here goes…. NO CHOCOLATE!!!  Ewwwwwwwwww I said it!  It’s going to be BAD, people.  It’s like someone who has smoked for 30 years quitting cold turkey.  I don’t smoke, but I am 30 and I have been eating chocolate ALL my life and I seriously love the stuff.  I could look anorexic by the end of the month.  I don’t think anyone, even Trey, understands how much chocolate I eat!  It’s sickening!  So if you happen to see me and I look like I’m beginning to twitch or I act snappy, don’t take it personally… it’s the chocolate withdrawals.  

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Watch Out!!!!  I’m blogging two days in a row!  I just had such a fun day and took 101 pictures that I thought I needed to blog.  I’ll spare y’all some of the pictures, but I do plan to share a lot.

A while back Ford’s teachers asked me if I’d host the class Easter egg party/hunt.  I said I would and told Puddin about it.  She said we could have it at her house since her yard is MUCH bigger than mine and no one would get run over in her backyard.  My backyard isn't an option since its Delta’s potty ground and my front yard isn't huge.  So it all worked out.  I enlisted the help of Gran and BoomPa for the event.  Gran kept John Brantley and BoomPa came with Ford and me to the party.  BoomPa must have been confused about the event because he came dressed in slacks, a button-up shirt, dress shoes, a blazer and a nice overcoat. 

We got to Puddin and Pop’s house before the others arrived so BoomPa, Ford, and I hid the eggs.  Please notice the 180 earmuffs that BoomPa has on.  It wasn't that cold!!!

 Waiting to hunt eggs…the kids were stir crazy!
The teachers made the class some shirts to wear.

 Miss Heather giving instructions….
 Now it gets interesting.  We lined all the kids up behind the pool to tell them where the eggs were hidden.  After all the instructions were given we said, “GO!”  Well, Ford Lamar starts CRYING!!!!!!  My child isn't a big crier.  I was like “what the heck!”  I am not competitive, but something about my children brings out a competitive bone and I needed him to GET SOME EGGS!!!  I was trying to persuade him to come along and he was squalling like his dog had been run over.  Finally I told him they were filled with candy and he better get to going.  He reluctantly got with the program, but refused to pick up girlie looking eggs.
 I thought all would be better when the Easter bunny arrived, but Ford loudly announced, “That isn’t the Easter Bunny!”  Apparently he remembered the one we saw two weeks ago in Jackson.  This bunny looked a bit different.  It was okay though after a few minutes!
Snack time….

 After the party we came home to find Gran and Bitty waiting on us.  BoomPa and Gran brought goodie bags with Easter treats!
We literally were outside from 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM.  Today was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!  The weather was perfect.  It wasn't windy.  It wasn't hot.  It wasn't cold.  It was perfect!  I purposefully wanted to wear Ford out so he would sleep good.  He rode his bike, tractor, scooter, 4-wheeler, played with sidewalk chalk, played kickball, played tee ball, and in his sandbox.  Needless to say, he is snoring loudly now!

I tried very hard to enjoy the day and not let my OCD tendencies of house cleaning and laundry consume my thoughts.  The next few days are supposed to be rainy and I wanted to spend quality time with my babies.  They are both growing up and getting so big that I don’t want to look back in 10 years and think “WOW, all I did was clean and do laundry when my kids were little!”  I had a good day!!!!

 He is soooooo stinking cute!!!!  And YES, I kiss those chubby cheeks about 1,000 times a day!
 It’s Easter time.  Yeah we all get consumed with eggs, bunnies, white sandals, knee socks, bows, dresses, Easter grass, baskets, and candy.  But that isn't the reason for Easter.  That is the world’s way of commercializing a very special and important time.

I’d say that John 3:16 is probably the most well-known verse in the Bible.  We all learned it in Sunday school and can recite it from memory at the drop of a hat.  But do you really STOP and think about what it is saying and what it means???  I will be completely honest and say I have recited that verse hundreds of times and I can’t fathom in my little head how God could love ALL of us so much to send his ONLY son to die for us.

John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
 I have two sons, not one.  They are my life.  I love those little boys more than I could EVER explain to anyone.  I’d do anything in this world for my babies.  ANYTHING!  I can’t imagine them dying.  Not just dying, but dying a criminal’s death.  Hanging, nailed to a cross after being beaten and having a crown of thorns on your head.  DO you think about that?  Do you really THINK about it?

God loves everyone.  He loves people who steal, kill, lie, cheat, etc.  He loves us all so much that he sent his son to live in this sinful world and to die so that is we accept him we can live for ETERNITY in paradise.  I challenge you to really think about the words of John 3:16 and let them soak into your head.  That’s a lot of love, people.  God truly loves YOU!

Ohhh and Happy 400th post to me!!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...