Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm included this year

I consider it a true blessing that I am able to stay home with my boys this year.  There were so many times last year that I was sad when I had to miss out on fun events that Ford had at school.  I missed out on “meet the teacher”, the Halloween party, the Valentine’s party, tractor day, The St. Jude Trike-A-Thon, etc.  This year I feel so fortunate to be able to experience these fun times with him. 
On Wednesday his class had their Christmas party at school.
Making a Christmas tree to eat…
Making reindeer food with Ms. Heather…
Ford and his buddy, Cade
Ford and Liza Jane
This is the plate he made us for Christmas…
A skinny Santa…
Santa gave him an army truck…
Back during Halloween we went and bought some pumpkins at a local store in town.  When we went inside to pay there were wooden Mickey and Donald figures sitting there to greet us.  Ford was in hog heaven and we took his picture with them.  Well, fortunately for Ford, one of my blog readers said that her grandfather made them and had him to make Ford his very own Mickey Mouse.  Let’s just say that the other night was VERY EXCITING when he came to deliver Mickey.   Ford requested that Mickey watch him sleep!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I love my kitchen right now.  You can’t see them all, but my cabinets are covered in Christmas cards!
Trey’s office had a little Christmas party this morning.  You better believe we came.  Any excuse to get out of the house and do something is a must. 
Mrs. Amy (the nail trimmer) is feeding JB crackers.
Ford and Bobba
Ford, Puddin, and John Brantley tumbling over

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...