Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gingerbread Man

I think traditions are important.  I want my boys to grow up remembering fun things we did.  Ever since Ford’s first Christmas I have been making a large gingerbread man cookie.  This year he was super pumped to help.  He had been asking for about 2 weeks when we could make one. 
Ford designated himself as the official and only stirrer of the gingerbread man batter.  Well, if you will please notice, he flung flour all over my kitchen! 
I let him decorate his cookie all by himself.  This is what he came up with, minus one leg that we ate already. 
Before school on Monday I told Ford I wanted to take his picture.  He wasn’t too fired up about wearing a Christmas vest, but I figured I couldn’t get away with it after this year.  He might hate me for this picture when he is older!
John Brantley is still obsessed with chewing/eating/biting/whatever you want to call it… on everything.  My mom, Gran, got tickled the other day because he was trying to eat her clothes.
Trey went hunting Sunday and killed an 8 point.  He was plenty excited about his big kill, but I think Ford might have been more excited.  He even went back to the barn with Trey to clean the deer.  Gutting a deer makes me want to panic!
My sweet friend, Amy, got me these cute stickers and recipe cards.   I love them!!!
John Brantley wants to crawl soooo badly.  He just can’t figure out what to do with those knees just yet.

A few more Santa pictures….

A few funny Ford things….

“Daddy, if we go to Mars who will keep the dog?”
“I know what is making me have those allergies.”  Me: “What?”  Ford: “Those squirrels.”
“When I go on may-ca-shun (vacation) I will miss you.”
The other day we were getting in the car and Ford said, “What was that noise?”  Me: “An acorn falling.”  Ford: “Oh, and acrin.” 

1 comment:

Meg said...

Scott said "that's a really nice sweater Clark"!!
I love those stickers. Just what u need!! Cooking for everybody in town :) I want to squeeze JBs cheeks!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...