Sunday, October 28, 2012

Let’s Get Real: Kids Edition

Today’s Topic: Motherhood
I believe that my calling in life was to be a mom and a teacher.  Currently, I am not a school teacher per say, I still teach things to my babies, but my main job is to be a mom.  There really isn’t anything I’d rather do.  I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and thankfully the Lord has blessed me with two amazing children.
I think “stay at home moms” are often thought of negatively since they don’t “work” outside the home.  Before I had Ford I thought that stay at home moms had it MADE!  I stayed home with him 8 months before returning to work and now I am home again.  Stay at home moms do have it MADE in the sense that they get to be with their babies, but being at home is NO walk in the park.
Some days things around here run smoothly.  My type A personality is able to get a lot of stuff done and it’s kind of like a “pat” on the back to me.  Yipee!  You had a good day, Jill.  NOW, Thursday and Friday were a different story.
I am known to birth babies that have weak stomachs are that are bad sleepers.  Thursday was rough.  I think the devil was out to get me.  My normally sweet and loving little Ford acted BAD!  He is so gentle with the baby and worries about that child as much as I do.  However, on Thursday Ford bit John Brantley’s hand, he pushed his head into the floor during tummy time, and the third time John Brantley started crying I didn’t even ask.  To make my day even MORE exciting, JB only slept 30 minutes ALL DAY!  I felt like I was going insane.  The baby was crying from being beaten up by Ford and exhaustion, and Ford was acting possessed. 
Friday “started out” better.  Ford was my sweet child again, he went to school, and John Brantley took a morning nap.  After I got Ford from school we had lunch and it was nap time.  I fed John Brantley and we rocked a few minutes.  He fell asleep.  I put him down in his bed and BOOM those eyes popped right open and he cried.  We tried again.  And again.  And again.  I rocked.  I walked.  I swayed.  I sang.  I hummed.  And eventually I CRIED!!!  Yes, I cried.  After 2 hours I was beyond frustrated.  WHY won’t my children sleep?  I was overwhelmed.  I was exhausted.  I was finished trying.  I put John Brantley in his bed, closed all the doors surrounding his room, and turned off the monitors.  Then I called my sister in law and she reassured me that he wouldn’t die and I had to do it.  He cried, screamed, coughed, and gagged for 30 minutes.  I think eventually he passed out from exhaustion.  He only slept 40 minutes.  WHERE AM I GOING WRONG??? 
His room is dark.  He has sound machines.  He has dry pants.  He has a full belly.  He is cozy in a sleep sack.  I don’t get it.  What’s the trick/secret/method????  SHARE the wealth please!!!  This is day #3 that I am letting him cry it out.  Today is much better than Friday was.  I was sure I was headed to straight to hell for letting him yell.  I can’t stand to hear a baby cry.  That’s why my boys are rotten!!!

Thursday we spent some time out at our property.  I was able to get some cute pictures of Ford!
This one pretty much sums up his personality. 
Or this one……
John Brantley wasn’t much into the photo shoot. 
Our cute matching Christmas shirts 
I guess nighttime Orajel tastes bad???!!!
Before school on Friday
John Brantley rolls all over the place.  He eventually gets off of his pallet and ends up on the hardwood floor screaming.  I got out this little box for him to lie on so I would know where he was at all times.  Big brother thought HE needed to lie in it. 
He doesn’t miss a meal.  Can you tell??????

Some cute things Ford has said lately:
Momma, I slept until the sun comed up.

The other night we were eating supper.  Ford wanted a treat after he finished eating and I told him he needed to eat some more of his butter beans.  He got mad and started crying then he said, “I don’t like butter beans no more!”

Ford LOVES cinnamon rolls.  (Don’t we all).  The other day he said, “Tomorrow I want to eat dernit (darn it) cinnamon rolls for breakfast!”

Randomly he said, “Me and Pops are twins because we have matching chairs at the ballgame.”

Again, randomly he said, “God is a nice guy, and he helps people.”

Ford scratched his foot and today he said, “God is a really nice guy momma.  He maked my bo bo better."

John Brantley:
Today we went to eat lunch at one of the few restaurants in Mayberry.  John Brantley wasn’t feeling it so he was showing his tail feathers.  In an effort to peacefully enjoy my lunch and allow the others around me to also enjoy their lunch I started giving him small pieces of ice from my drink.  HE LOVED IT!  I might have started something.
He is still teething.  It could be months before we ever get a tooth (I understand that), but he is miserable.  He is constantly gnawing on his hands, his clothes, my clothes, my hair, or anything that comes near his mouth.
He doesn’t put his hands up for me to grab him yet.  But when he sees me coming his will arch his back in an effort for me to hold him.  It’s sweet!
John Brantley has the most contagious belly laugh I have ever heard.  It automatically brings a huge smile to my face.  Ford thoroughly enjoys making him laugh.  I know they will play together so well one day!


jillemersonbell said...

I can totally relate to the crazy, unraveling stay at home mom days! We had a few last week. Coop has been throwing HUGE tantrums, and Carter has decided to act a fool as well trying to compete for my attention. Oh Lord help us!! Hopefully this week will be better. As far as the sleep thing, I had to let both of mine cry it out too. Ugh. It's the worst. I cried the entire time they cried. It just seems so cruel! I dread doing it again with baby number three! Hope John Brantley gets the hang of it in the next day or two! Hang in there!!!

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

I was hoping for lots of comments on this to read. I have had major issues with Miller since day 1. He is the worst napper and sleeper in the world. Total he naps about 30-40 min a day. That's usually 2 little cap naps. He is still getting us up at least 3 times each night, just bc he wants me to come rock him back to sleep. I have tried letting him cry it out and I swear he would cry all night. He doesn't give up until I come in. I am at my wits end with this! Not that its any real help...but I feel your pain! Let me know what all tricks you find out!! From one sleep deprived mom to another, I need all the help I can get:)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...