This morning we were playing outside and my next door neighbor was walking her dog. This lady pretty much stays inside all the time so we never see her. Ford actually asked me who she was when I said hello to her!! Well, she wanted to see the baby and I almost died when I realized what his outfit said…
We have a new park in Mayberry. Yesterday we went to play with some new friends. Ford enjoyed digging. He felt like he was driving some sort of tractor.
I don’t do as well with tummy time on baby number 2. We usually try to have it when Ford is asleep. Ford feels the need to get right in his face and touch and kiss all over him. It makes me panic!
Last weekend Trey played in a golf tournament. I was upset that he was going to be gone all weekend. On Friday he thought he needed to go out to the country club and “practice”. Well, we were tired of being at home and it was near that lovely hour at our house when JB yells. So we loaded up and headed to the golf course too!!! Trey was NOT impressed that we came out there. I rented my own cart and everything…. JB slept like a champ riding the course and Ford enjoyed driving!
Well, I’m 30 now. I’m old. It’s hard to believe my 20’s are gone. I made A LOT of memories in those ten years and I know I will make lots in my 30’s. I didn’t cry… it was just a “normal” day.
That is hysterical!! Brian would die if we decided to join him during his golf outings!! I love it!!!
I love your blog. Just wanted to remind you. MJ Wood
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