Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Four Weeks Old

I can’t even really begin to think where the time has gone the last 4 weeks.  My baby is 4 weeks old!!  I guess I have been in such a new mother funk that I can’t really think about what we have done.  Oh yeah… nothing.  We have been in doors because it’s been 100 degrees and I don’t believe in taking babies in public (much) without shots.
We went to have professional pictures at 3 ½ weeks and it was pretty much a disaster.  He was NOT in a good mood that day.  I stayed for ONE hour.  During that time he tee teed 4 times, pooped on my arm, and spit up down my shirt.  I captured these moments with my phone!

The low down on John Brantley….
He went to the doctor Monday and weighs 10 pounds.
He can’t really wear a size NB diaper anymore since he is chunky, but I have a few left so I make him wear them during the day when he is awake.  They usually leave a mark on his leg since it is a tight fit. 
He LOVESSSSSSSssssssssss to cuddle.  Ohhh the child would be in HEAVEN if someone would hold and rock him 24/7.
He also LOVES to eat.  I feed him and sometimes it’s a struggle to make him wait 2.5 hours between feedings.  I honestly feel like a dairy cow most of the day!!!
At night he will go 3-4 hours between feedings and one night he actually went 5!!!
He rolled over.  I AM NOT LYING!  It happened yesterday.  I was unloading the dishwasher and Trey put him down for some tummy-time.  I turned around a minute later and the joker was on his back.  Ford rolled over very quickly too.  John Brantley has a nice round belly so I think he had some help!!
He likes a paci.
I swaddle him at night and somehow he manages to free his arms every time.
He sleeps in his baby bed.  He has been there since the first night we brought him home.  Since we added on to our house his room is connected to ours.  I don’t have to go far to get to him.
He sleeps in a wedge.  The first night we were home I found him rolled over into the bumper pad.  I NEARLY died.  I woke Trey up all panicked and said he could have suffocated.  We rolled towels up to put beside him for the night and then my friend, Amy, let me borrow her wedge.
John Brantley has a very weak stomach, as did his big brother.  I can’t eat red meat or multi grain cheerios.  I know better than to try anything greasy, spicy, or acid… I made that mistake with Ford.  Therefore, I might turn into a chicken soon.  That is basically all I eat.  Fortunately you can cook chicken many ways.
John Brantley isn’t a fan of the car.  He yells.
When he really gets upset and cries his entire body turns red.  He has a little dimple on his chin that turns white when he screams.
He has blue eyes… I hope they stay that way.  Ford’s did.
Currently his skin is kind of peeling off like he’s been sunburned.  His skin is sensitive.  I have sensitive skin.  I guess he got that from me. 
He has a red splotchy mark on his neck at the bottom of his hair line.  Some people have referred to it as a “stork bite” or a birth mark. 
The child has about 31875483752789 wet and dirty diapers a day.  It’s amazing.
He spits up a lot after he eats.  I thought we had developed a bad case of acid reflux, but the doctor didn’t think so.  I’m not used to spit up… Ford didn’t do it much.
He usually stays awake after I feed him the first time in the morning.  Then he naps most of the day.
He hates a bath.  He gets bathed in the sink and yells when you are bathing him.  He REALLY gets upset when he gets out and is cold.
He is fascinated with the celling, lights, and the fan.  I caught him smiling at the bathroom lights yesterday.
When he is upset I hum “Jesus Loves Me” or “Silent Night” to him.  I did the same thing with Ford.
He is going to have wavy/curly hair like me.
He loves to be outside.
He has a patch of blonde hair on his left temple.  Possibly another birth mark.
So far he hasn't gone many places.  He has visited Puddin and Pops' house, Arby's, Rio Lindo, Trey's office, the doctor, and Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley's house.

Cuddling with Momma in the middle of the night.  Check out those lips!!!  Trey decided those must be Anthony lips because they didn’t look like his!

So why the Chevy shirt?  When I was pregnant it was upsetting to some of the other teachers that I hadn’t named John Brantley yet.  There was a precious third grade student who always asked me about the baby and my belly.  Well, one day she asked what the baby’s name was going to be and I told her we didn’t know yet.  She told me that I could name him: 1. Ford  2. Basil  3. Chevrolet   Her teacher thought it was hysterical and started calling him Chevy.  I even got an outfit out of the deal!

We have wonderful friends who are still bringing us meals.  It’s been so nice because I am not sure I am ready to tackle the cooking process just yet.  Thanks again to everyone!

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