Thursday, December 15, 2011

2 Santas

Christmas is ten days away and I am not really in the Christmas spirit.  No, I am not Scrooge, but I have been so busy with school, errands, and trying to create this little life inside of me that I haven’t felt all Holly and Jolly.  Trey keeps telling me we don’t have many decorations out.  We don’t.  I honestly don’t have that much Christmas décor.   And we have one gift under our tree that I didn’t even wrap.  I should be wrapping presents now and not blogging, but this is so therapeutic.  And Mrs. Mary Jane will send me an e-mail if I wait too long in between blogs and tell me I need to update!!! 
Its 12:00 on Thursday and I am at home with a sick baby.  Ford has 101 and we are headed to the doctor after his nap.  I’m guessing it’s an ear infection.  Or at least hoping that’s what it is because they aren’t contagious and I sure don’t need to be sick. 
We had breakfast with Santa last Saturday morning.  Ford loves Santa and isn’t hesitant at all to sit in his lap.  On this particular morning he decided he’d make faces at the camera. 

Trey has been “needing” to go hunting a lot lately.  I “need” to do a lot of things too, but that doesn’t always happen.  Well, last weekend he killed a buck… Ford wanted his picture taken with it.    

The other day Ford said I’m going to hide momma.  This is where I found him. 

Yesterday Ford had a party at school and Santa came.  He has about 12 children in his class.  Ford was the first one to run right up there.  Parents were amazed with his bravery.  I was tickled at how other kids screamed and cried like they were being abused when they had to sit with him.    

This is another outfit I had made.  I bought the material, had my friend sew it, and then another lady to monogram it.  I would have paid about $60.00 in a store and I spent between $20 and $25.

The children were supposed to sit down.  Not Ford Lamar.  He’ll stand by the candy please. 

And as all the adults sang “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” Ford had a look of disgust on his face.  He hates when I sing and screams “STOP”… it’s bad, but I didn’t know it was that bad!

I really hope my two week break from school will be LONG and restful.  Until next time…

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