Sunday, April 10, 2011

Peanuts, Pretzels, or Cookies

Peanuts, pretzels, or cookies? This is what you are often asked while on board a Delta flight. Why am I saying this? Well, Trey and I flew to Chicago for the weekend and I was asked this exact question on the way to and from the Windy City.

Trey came to me a while back with the idea of going to Chicago for a long weekend. When he told me that Rod Stewart was performing a concert that particular weekend I was in!!! We left on Thursday afternoon and had a direct flight (about 1 hour and 40 minutes) to the big city. Thursday night we went to eat pizza at Ginos’s East.

I had always heard Chicago pizza was delicious, and well, it was.  I love pizza.  I could eat it several times a week if Trey would allow such in our house.  This was not any Pizza Hut pizza.  It was thick, saucy, cheesy, and down right delicious.  I couldn’t even eat 2 pieces.  This picture doesn’t look exactly appetizing, but it was sinfully good. 
 Chicago at night

Friday morning we slept in. By the time we left our hotel room we decided to skip breakfast and go straight for lunch. Trey picked a place that he had eaten at back in the summer when he was in Chicago on business.  It was called Portillo's.    I wish I could remember Trey’s exact quote when he talked about how excited he was to be eating there.  It was borderline ridiculous.  I have yet to meet anyone who loves food more than Trey Lamar. 

He said I should take a picture of the Wrigley Building.  He said it was important and reminded me of the Wrigley’s Gum. 
 Some sights

The Cubs weren’t in town this weekend.  We did manage to convince a Cub’s worker to let us see the stadium.  The weather was bad on Friday (rainy).

Friday night we went to eat at Gene & Georgetti.  This was a MUST of the trip since Trey had seen this fine establishment on the food channel and it was voted as the number one steak house in Chicago.  It was delicious.

One of Trey’s dearest friends from college lives in Chicago with his wife.  They ate with us Friday night and then we went to the Gilt Bar and sat downstairs at another little place called Curio. 

Trey and Morrow
 Lake and me

EVERY place you go into in Chicago has doors like these.  Finally on Saturday I said something to Trey about it.  I asked if he had noticed that everywhere had those “twirly” doors.   He misunderstood me and thought I said “charlie doors.”  The rest of the trip we called them charlie doors. 

We never really had a set agenda so on Saturday we did some more sight seeing.  We walked down to the Navy Pier. 

He insisted I take a picture of this Ferris wheel.  I can’t ride things like that or I will get sick. 

It was cloudy our entire trip. 

The 95th floor of the John Hancock Building.  There was a thin sheet of glass between me and falling down 95 floors. 

 Our hotel
 In a cab on the way to hear ROD STEWART

As we drove to the concert I looked out the window and saw Harpo Studios.  I told Trey that it was Oprah’s building and he asked me how I knew.  It took several minutes to convince him that Harpo is Oprah spelled backwards.  When we left he saw the other side of the building that said the Oprah Winfrey Show.  I really wish we would have thought to get tickets to see her while we were in town since May 25 is her last show. 
 Stevie Nicks

 Cheryl Crow

And this just wouldn’t be a good post without some Ford on here.  On Wednesday night before we left I let him stay up a little later and dig for worms and play in the water hose. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip and we are grateful to have wonderful parents who kept our little man while we were gone.  I hate being away from Ford, but Trey and I really needed some time away from work, parental duties, and life in Mayberry.  But it sure was good to be home!!!

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

How fun!! Glad yall got to get away like that!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...