Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Students

I am obviously getting bigger being that I am 36 weeks pregnant. My children at school love to ask me if they baby is kicking and to feel my belly. They also enjoy waddling down the hall, holding their backs, and some even put their jackets inside their shirts to pretend they are pregnant. They seem to have a good time “picking on their teacher” which I don’t mind because I pick right back.

I picked up my group of 24 lovelies from art one day this week and two of my cute little girls handed me this drawing. I tried to scan it the best I could but some got cut off. They made an acrostic out of my name: Mrs. Lamar, and then drew a nice illustration. One of the girls said you always wear black pants (I realized I do wear them A LOT), big earrings, and your hair in a pony tail. I am not quite sure where the orange shirt came from being that orange is my least favorite color, but I thought they drew me well. I got a good laugh out of their little art project and decided to share it with you.

Four more weeks until kick off and hopefully Ford will be here. I am crossing my fingers that I don’t have to go over my due date being that life as I know it is no longer very comfortable. Me and my swollen legs plan to sit here and wait on the little one to come.

Until next time….


Janice said...

That is really just too cute! You should put that in your pregnancy journal or Ford's baby book. I know how uncomfortable you are, but these last few weeks will fly by. You will be where I am with a 2 1/2 month old in no time :)

Ashley said...

Oh I LOVE IT!!!!

Meg said...

You are so close!! We all kept kidding Trey about it Saturday night.


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