Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Softball is Over

Yours truly did not play softball and I don't know a lot about it quite honestly.  I'm assuming most rules are like baseball...if not...I'm lost then.  Annie girl LOVES the sport and I love watching her play.  She thrives out there.  This was her second spring to play and both times she was selected to play All Stars.  Unfortunately, she can't play because we will be out of town during some of the tournaments.

Coach Sidney giving a hug.

Last huddle

Her team minus 3

Very proud of her trophy

Coach Taylor

Annie and Birdie 

Bit on the mound

Bryan was my little Korean student.  He is 1 and a million.  So sweet.  So loved.  A class favorite.  He came to lunch with us.
He sat in my lap a lot this year!

Ford played catcher during rec ball some.  Taking after his daddy.

Ford taught Annie how to drive the 4 wheeler.

Annie and I went for pedicures....

Annie and Kate eating ice cream at Mac and Charlies

When momma mows and gets stuck Bitty saves the day.

Bitty has been wanting contacts for over a year.  This year his dream came true!

Annie went to softball and cheer camp last week.  She got the "Lady Chief Award" which is all the awards mixed into one.  (coachable, hustle, etc.)

The littles have been picking flowers and taking them to older widow ladies who live near us.

And not only did he get contacts, BUT Puh bought him Oakleys.
Saturday night was a girls night out.  We headed to Sardis, ate and listened to music at Rafters.
Jennifer, Betsy, me, Jessica, and Allison 

Ford played a huge tournament in Kansas City, Missouri, this weekend.  The littles and I stayed home.  Trey and Ford rode with Walt and Griff.  Thankfully, a mom sent me pics.

I know.  I knew.  I realized.  I was aware.  I tried to ignore it.  BUT I have gained a significant amount of weight this school year.  When most of my clothes didn't fit I had to make a lifestyle change.  I love food.  I eat food for all the reasons.... I stress eat, bored eat, hungry eat, party eat, eat because I pass the pantry, eat because a kid brings donuts etc.

New week.  New activities.  Bitty is attending football and baseball camps.

End of Yea Activities

We go to church on Wednesday nights.  From grades one- four the children take part in a group called "Children in Action".  They do various projects and such to serve others.  At the end of every school year they have a badge ceremony.  When they complete fourth grade they get to keep the sash.

And school is over....

I snapped a picture of Ford on his last day of kindergarten walking in the building and I did so again on his last day of elementary.  

Comparison shots....

Awards Day....

Annie girl worked hard this year and used the talents and abilities God gave her.
Headmaster’s List for all A’s
Language Arts Award
AR certificate
AR first place trophy
St. Jude math-a-thon certificate
1st place local art award
2nd place district art award
2nd place state art award

Bitty boy missed the PE evaluations while we were in Disney World, but I’m proud that he’s letting God’s gifts shine in his life too!
Headmaster’s List for all A’s
AR certificate
AR first place trophy
St. Jude math-a-thon certificate
Bible Verse Memorization

Ford completed his last year of elementary and I’m proud that he worked hard and used his God given abilities.
Highest average for the boy in his class
Presidential Scholar for 95 or above yearly average
Headmaster’s List for all A’s
AR certificate
St. Jude math-a-thon certificate
1st place local art winner
1st place district art winner
Fastest boy
Best boy broad jump
1st place shuttle run winner
1st place longest bar hang

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...