Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas 2021

We left Germantown and headed to Puh and Pops's house for snacks.  This event also consisted of tracking Santa on the TV,

We went home and opened our matching Christmas pajamas.

With the mandatory picture together....

And yes, Bitty felt the need to show off his muscles.

Reindeer food time....although Ford didn't participate. 




The obligatory Christmas Day run through (Buddy the Elf).

Waiting at the other end of the hall....

Drama.  All drama.  She fell.   She cried.  I retaped.

Bitty wanted hunting soap and deodorant. 

Ford got a bow.

Annie got an easy bake oven.

Baseball cards

Massage gun

We are going to Disney World!!!!!

At lunch we ventured to Puh and Pops's house for lunch and presents.

He wanted a BIG belt buckle.

Ohhhh Christmas was fun, fast, and exhausting.  I'm trying to clean up from it all now!

Christmas Eve at the cousins

Christmas Eve is always spent in Germantown with my family.  Since we don't get to see them all that often, we make a full day out of it.  It was a loud, fun day!

Annie was ready to open presents 3.2 seconds after we walked in the door.  She could hardly contain herself.

It takes hours to wrap all the presents and literally minutes to open them.

BoomPa and the kids singing "Jingle Bells"

Uncle Ken loves Buddy the Elf

Playing the plastic wrap game.  Tension was high

Ford was not impressed that he didn't win much.

On to Bingo...

He was determined to win the Buff City Soap called "Beast".

This was a FUN and very loud game!

Oby getting his paws cleaned.

We stayed all day and had BIG fun!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...