Thursday, December 31, 2020

The big guy came

To many, 2020 has been a bad and challenging year.  Deaths have happened, jobs lost, wages cut, sickness, quarantining, etc.  Sure, it's been challenging and not all puppy dog and pancakes.  I can't say I'll shed a tear when we ring in 2021, but our family had some sweet times.  

During the quarantine in March and April we had more family meals than we did in 2019.  I was able to see my children more and create memories.  Sure, my patience was tested, but these are the days.  I'll look back and they'll be adults and I'll be wondering what to do with my time.  So for now I will embrace the crazy, the loud, the nerf bullets flying by my head as I type this.  We have a lot to be thankful for in 2020.  It wasn't all bad.

Santa came!!!!  




As important as Santa coming is the "run through".  This is something they look forward to every year.  I tape wrapping paper over he doorway so they can bust through on Christmas morning.

Ready to run.....

They were threatened NOT to make Annie cry this year.

New scope

I loved my stocking as a child.  It was like dumping out treasures....

He needed this cup!



Everyone got a new toothbrush!

Hunting clothes are essential

A-la- make-up

Presents from mom and dad
Trey had plaques made with pictures and stats of their first deer kills.

Ford said it was his best gift.

Annie picked out my coat!!

Puh has the rona so we couldn't have Christmas with them.  Uncle Vance, Aunt Emily, and Dillie came to celebrate with us.

I bought some new flowers for mom's grave.  Never the gift I like to give, but I know she'd like them.  She told me she knew I'd look after her grave.

The boys went hunting....

Bitty got what he thought was a doe....button buck.  Deer #3

Pops took the kids to Ripley, TN, where he grew up on Tuesday.  He wanted to show the kids the lights, his old, house, introduce them to his friends, and see the sights.

And at almost 6 years old, she has on her first pair of jeans.  I knew she'd love them.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Here Comes Christmas

Annie loves the art teacher at our school.  The other day she invited Annie over to play with her puppy and paint ornaments.  This activity pleased her very much!

I went to the annual friends Dirty Santa Party.  I look forward to this night all year!

The next morning I was up doing laundry and I heard someone throwing up.  Yep, it was Annie.  She had some sort of bug that lasted 3 hours.  Pitiful.  

Puddin has the rona so our Christmas festivities looked a little different.  We pretty much stayed home.  Christmas Eve consisted of the boys hunting....

We have a lake behind our house that is home to MANY geese.  Bitty has been begging for days to shoot a goose.  Trey finally got tired of him asking so he let him get one.

It was as big as Bit.

He wanted to mount it.  Trey feared it would cost $500.  We didn't have to worry about that.  During the night something took it away!!!!

We went to the Methodist church's version of a Christmas Eve service at the football field.  We opted to sit in the car.

It.  Was.   Cold!

Hugs to Daddy

Reading our Bible on Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve they open matching pajamas....  They've caught on to my tricks!!

2020 version....

And tossing that reindeer food....

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...