Monday, September 7, 2020

Dove hunting 2020 style

Well, hunting season is here.  Being that it's Labor Day, dove season festivities were this weekend.  Miss Jessa joined the fun and Annie high-jacked her glasses!

She was filthy!

And the morning breakfast....

The August happenings

We had an usual night out recently with Ken and Ashley.  I hadn't been to the Como Steak House in way too long.

The Bit loves to flip....

I would NEVER EVER have picked up a frog, but she ain't scared.

Annie went to a birthday party...

Kindergarten is wearing her out....literally!

This was 6:00 PM one night.  She was down for the night.

So recently I decided my teeth weren't straight.  I went the invisiline route.  This was day 1.  I have now had them 5 weeks.

We are adding a screened in porch to our house.

More rough mornings...
Ms. Amy from the office took another job after working at the office for 15 years.  She has cut all of my babys' fingernails when they were little.

Corona Style....

Ford went to a birthday party....

Annie climbing the rope at gymnastics...

The other day she was playing quietly by herself.  She got her head stuck in the table.  Instead of helping her, I took pictures and her daddy saved the day.

Dress up Fridays for football games....

Bitty does exist.  He doesn't like pictures.  Here he is at a birthday party.

5.5 years old
44.2 pounds
44 inches tall

You might order online too much if...

This was a funny experience....

When you argue and daddy disciplines...

Bitty is in second grade.  Second grade means A LOT of projects.  Last week he had to make a map of his bedroom.  Annie insisted she do it too.

We go to church on Wednesday nights.  The children in grades 1-4 are in a group called Children in Action.  They do various projects during the 4 years.  Ford completed his time and got his badge.  Bitty will continue working on his a few more years.

Ford had his first pee wee football game in Greenwood against Pillow on Thursday.  He scored a touchdown and we won!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...