We had an usual night out recently with Ken and Ashley. I hadn't been to the Como Steak House in way too long.

The Bit loves to flip....

I would NEVER EVER have picked up a frog, but she ain't scared.

Annie went to a birthday party...

Kindergarten is wearing her out....literally!

This was 6:00 PM one night. She was down for the night.

So recently I decided my teeth weren't straight. I went the invisiline route. This was day 1. I have now had them 5 weeks.

We are adding a screened in porch to our house.

More rough mornings...

Ms. Amy from the office took another job after working at the office for 15 years. She has cut all of my babys' fingernails when they were little.

Corona Style....

Ford went to a birthday party....

Annie climbing the rope at gymnastics...

The other day she was playing quietly by herself. She got her head stuck in the table. Instead of helping her, I took pictures and her daddy saved the day.

Dress up Fridays for football games....

Bitty does exist. He doesn't like pictures. Here he is at a birthday party.

5.5 years old
44.2 pounds