Thursday, July 27, 2017

"I Go To Beach" -Annie Lamar (Part 4)

Well, we have arrived at the final two days of the Anthony family beach vacation.  I'm saving the best for last and I even mixed up a few of the days because the family beach pictures must come at the end.

Wednesday we went to The Red Bar... We also took beach pictures that night, but those will come at the end of this post for the GRAND FINALE!
 This lady is such a good sport!!!!!!
 Him too even though he wouldn't let Annie paint his toenails!
 Thursday was pretty so we enjoyed the beach...
 Everyone except Ford who obviously caught Bitty's strep.
 I don't even remember why he was crying....Oh wait, yes I do.  He was afraid Jack would open the gate to the pool before he got there.
 I promised Molly Cate and Caroline that'd I'd give them a make-over during vacation complete with big earrings.
 Thursday night BoomPa and Ms. Patty kept the hooligans so the parents could go eat in peace.
 Our fancy ride....
 Friday morning Bitty tapped on my shoulder to announce he'd thrown up in the bed.  I can handle pretty much anything, BUT the stomach bug.  I panicked and told Trey we were leaving at lunch.  I assured Trey that Bitty would be over the throwing up and we had to jet out of there.  I spent the rest of the morning washing and packing.
 The boys collected lots of sand dollars to bring home which might I add stunk up my car.
 He had a rough ride during the 9 hour tour.
 Pure sweetness
 ALWAYS on the **** phone!  (* is the letters for a bad word).
 A beautiful sight
And here starts the backtracking to Wednesday night after the Red Bar with family beach pics....
 Anyone as cool as Bitty needs to wear his boots in the beach picture.
 BoomPa 66, Molly Cate 11, Caroline 9, Ford 8, Jack 6, Bitty 5, Annie 2
It was a wonderful week even with all the sickness.  I love my family and always look forward to this special time and the fun memories made.  Thank you Dad for always making this possible.  I hope we have MANY more years of this to come!!!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...