Friday, March 28, 2014

Dirt on the boots

I hate to disappoint you all on my first sentence, but I really don’t have much exciting news to report.  Exciting things ARE happening; it’s just not time to report on them just yet.  I’ll let your mind wander a bit!!!!

We had a dead tree on our property line and recently had it cut down.  It’s a good thing we did too.  The tree man said he had no idea how it hadn't already fallen on our house.  The boys love playing on the stump.
 This morning Ford said it wasn't a school day for him and I quickly reminded him that it WAS indeed a school day and he better get in gear.  I desperately need those school days.  I can get a lot done when I am not being asked 2,000 questions an hour mostly about space.  Bitty is a man of few words.  Now he is constantly into everything he shouldn't be into, but that’s just my Bitty.
 Somehow this morning we managed to get dressed and ready for school quicker than normal.  I told the boys to put on their shoes so we could head out the door.  This is what I got from John Brantley….
 Ummmm the dirt on his boot was NOT okay.  Not okay AT ALL!!!  Dirt disturbs John Brantley in a big way.  He examined the dirt.  Made bad faces at the dirt.  And then he started saying, “Maaa  Maaa  Maaa”.  Maaa is pretty much what you get if something is wrong with a situation.  Maaa is also Ford’s name if I ask Bitty to holler for him!!!!
 Tonight in the bathroom.  The point of the picture was to see how much hair John Brantley has when held upside down.  Ford didn't agree with what was going on.
 Sometimes you just need a little “Suzanne time”.  The other day Ford took off down the hall and shut his door.  John Brantley is ONLY a fan of closed doors if he is the one doing the closing.  If you shut him out we see tears and hear screams.
 Ford wanted to know, “WHY does he ALWAYS follow me everywhere I go??????”
 On Friday nights we go to snacks with some friends.  It’s usually appetizer type food and such.  Last week I brought little pizza bites and was asked to share….

Pepperoni Pizza Puffs

¾ cup flour
¾ teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
pinch of salt (optional)
pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)
¾ cup whole milk
1 egg lightly beaten
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup cubed pepperoni
½ cup store bought pizza sauce

1.        Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Grease a 24- mini muffin pan.  In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, Italian seasoning, salt and red pepper flakes (if using); whisk in the milk and egg.  Stir in the mozzarella, Parmesan and pepperoni, let stand for 10 minutes. 
2.       Stir the batter and divide among the mini muffin cups.  Bake until puffed and golden, 20 to 25 minutes.
3.       Meanwhile, microwave the pizza sauce until warmed through.  Serve the puffs with the pizza sauce for dipping.  
I enjoy a glass of Cabernet at night sometimes.  I’m no wine expert, but I have found two kinds that I seem to keep going back to.  They aren't fruity or too dry.  They are just right!
Bitty is a lot of fun lately.  He’s always been fun, don’t get me wrong, but lately he’s been more interested in things.  He will actually let you read him a few books now, and he sits still!!!! 

Gran and John Brantley reading….
He is trying to say a few more words now.  This week he said, wock wock wock for “rock”.  He says tuck for “truck” and gu gu gu for “gum”.  If you don’t get what he’s saying he will point or pull your pants legs to show you what he needs.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kick It 5K

Today was incredible.  It far exceeded my expectations.  Today was the Pancreatic Cancer 5K run/walk in Memphis.  Now I’m no runner and don’t ever see myself loving the sport.  Is it even a sport?  I don’t know… it just flowed with my sentence nicely.  Running makes my sides hurt, my legs burn, and I am often short of breath.  I guess those are all good indicators that I’m out of shape.

But today was different.  I “believe” I could have run a large portion of that 5K.  Not because I have ever trained for such, but because I’m determined.  I’m determined that my mom, Gran, will KICK this pancreatic cancer in the butt.  I’m a firm believer that attitude plays a large role in the healing process and Gran wants to win.  

So today was THE day.  After Sunday school we went to grab some lunch and we headed north to Memphis.  The race began at 2:00, and we got there about 45 minutes early.  You know we needed to do some heavy stretching and all.  HA!!!!  I gave my best attempt at getting pictures of all the people who came out to support mom.  Puddin and I counted and we came up with 58 people who were on Mom’s team, Faith Walkers!!!!!!!  And I will have you know I brought a large crew from Mayberry, most of which do not know my mom.  I love my town!

Bailey and his daughter, Sidney Kate
Bailey, Margaret, and Sidney Kate
 Sara Whitten, me, and Brianne

 Puddin and Pops
 Taylor and me…. She wins the award for driving the farthest to participate.  YAY Taylor!!!!!!!!

 Amy, Lauren, Kalon, me, Jessica, and Rebecca
 Evie, Rebecca's daughter, Lauren, and Suzy, Amy's daughter
Amy and me

Stephanie, Taylor, and Emilee
 Foster, my cousin, Laura, and my sister in law, Ashley
 My Uncle Jeff and Aunt Elizabeth
 Sorry mom, you closed your eyes!!!
 Mrs. Elizabeth Coon... I babysat her sweet twin boys in college
 Sara Whitten, Brianne, Coach Young, Ty, Luke, Maggie, Ellen, Shae, Carley, and Stacy
 Jennifer, Jay, and Rials
 Emily and Vance
 Dad.... just being Dad
 The starting line... see the dude in the red wife beater and arm glove/bands... he won!!!
 There's my brother, Ken
 Our neighbor's, Peyton, Doug, Jill, and Micah
 John Brantley and his future prom date, Sidney Kate
 Caroline, Molly Cate, Ashley, Jack, and Ken
 My immediate family that attended.  Uncle Jeff, Aunt Elizabeth, Foster, Laura, Ashley, Jack, Ken, Mom, Me, Bitty, Trey, Dad, and (bottom)... Ford, Caroline, and Molly Cate

 Pops, John Brantley, Puddin, and Ford
 Mom and her brother, Uncle Jeff
 Gran and BoomPa with all of their grandchildren
 My cousin, Laura's husband, Foster, playing with Ford and Caroline
Uncle Ken giving Bitty some love
 Ford was planning a trip to space at this moment.
 Always ticked when things don't go his way!!!!
 Me, my cousin, Laura, and Ford
 Laura and Ford
Kim Steinman, Carla Townsend, and Susan Sinquefield 
 Coke.... wow... a VERY rare treat!
 Bitty found a stick!  Little boys love a stick!
 Our neighbor, Doug, and his son, Micah.  Doug won second place in his age division!!!!
 Today was great.  It really was.  My mom wants and deserves to live a long full life.  Sixty is young.  We will continue to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY…. And fight until there is a cure for this terrible disease.  THANK you a MILLION times for all who came and participated, those who made donations, and all who continue to pray.  The battle is far from over!!!

Mom, I love you as much as the WHOLE world and back again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...