Saturday, December 28, 2013

Up On the House Top

Well after Jefferson, that would be Ford’s first name, stopped all his crying and went to sleep we got busy preparing for the next morning.  I honestly think I was just as excited as Ford was.  John Brantley would have been excited too, if he knew what was in store for him the next morning.  Some of my best memories growing up are being wild on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Ford's Santa pile
 John Brantley's Santa pile
 Before I went to bed I put black garbage bags, fancy, I know, over the doorway so that Ford wouldn't see his stash when he woke up.  I got up at 5:15 on Christmas day to shower and put in all my hair products before everyone started stirring.  I heard Ford’s feet hit the floor at 6:15.  I immediately called Puddin and Pops to let them know it was time to head over.  I don’t think Pops was expecting a call so early.

I wouldn't let Ford go into the living room so I stalled him by going to wake up Daddy and then heading in to see Gran and BoomPa.  After about 20 minutes Puddin and Pops arrived and he got to go in…..
 John Brantley knew this setup wasn't a normal everyday occurrence, but he had no clue what to make of it at first.
 What was at the TOP of Ford’s Christmas list this year????  Well a space helmet of course, and Santa pulled through for him!!!!!!!
He also loaded Ford up with a bunch of rockets, many of which are toe breaking size.  Should be fun when I step on them!
 Bitty thought he might want to inspect this helmet too!
 Now he is ready to BLAST OFF in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…………
After we opened gifts, ate breakfast, Bitty napped, and we all got dressed we headed to Puddin and Pop’s house at 11:00 for Christmas over there.  Ford and John Brantley loaded up on books this Christmas.  Too bad Bitty won’t sit still long enough for me to read one sentence to him.  But Ford sure will!
 Matching shirts!
 It honestly doesn't get much cuter than a midget astronaut!
 The boys got mini M&M’s in their stocking.  This was VERY pleasing to John Brantley until I told him he couldn't have anymore!!!!!
 I think he’s plotting against me right here.
 Puddin and Pops got Ford a 231 piece Lego rocket.  Yes, he sat at their dining room table for approximately 2 hours until it was built.
After we destroyed their house we headed home for more naps.  Christmas can wear a person out you know.  At 4:00 we went to Bobba’s house.  There was more eating, present opening, and playing at her house too.  
 It was such a fun day and I cherish these special moments with my immediate and extended family.
 There is so much to be thankful for this Christmas season: good health by most of our family members, Pops is in remission, BoomPa had clean scans and no sign of cancer, Gran’s tumor shrank and she is eligible for surgery next week, and praise God Puddin is well.  I love my life and am extremely thankful for the place I am in right now.  I have been blessed beyond measure and give all credit to the Lord.  God is good ALL the time.  Not only did we celebrate festive holiday traditions this week, but we also remembered the birth of our Lord and Savior.  Merry Christmas 2013!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Locked Out On Christmas Eve

Tuesday morning, which was Christmas Eve, I set my alarm for 6:45.  I had just gotten up and my phone rang.  It was Trey.  He started off with, “You’re not going to like this!”  I don’t like much at all at that hour of the morning except peace and quiet so I knew what he was about to say wouldn't be good.  Well, Fancy Pants went out to the farm to go hunting and locked his keys in his truck.  How this happened I will never know, but it did and he needed ME to rescue him.  He was correct, I didn't like it because it was 6:45, it was 28 degrees outside, and both of my boys were still asleep.  I had big plans to shower alone without an audience, but instead I had to get the boys up, drive 15 miles out to the farm to deliver the keys, and another 15 miles back home.  Representative Lamar better be glad it was Christmas Eve and I was feeling holly and jolly, or I might have let him walk home!!!

After our rescue mission the boys decided to play in the laundry basket.  Bitty’s barstool battle wound is looking much better.  He doesn't even know he got hurt!  He was ready for breakfast.  The whole point in the mouth thing means food!
 I told Trey we would leave to go to my parents’ house for Christmas Eve festivities at 9:30.  We didn't leave until 10:22 (time management is not his strong point…but I wasn't ready either after the rescue mission).  I called my parents to let them know we were on the way and my mom, Gran, sort of panicked and asked us to make some other stops because she wasn't ready.  That wasn't hard with shopping and traffic to delay our arrival.

The kids were wild, to say the least, but it was totally expected and exciting to see them so thrilled about Christmas and being together.  They sat down to color for about 42 seconds and then it was back up again to find something more interesting to get into.  
 I told them they had to eat before we would open presents.  They shoveled in some food and were all ready to see their goods within minutes.
 Ashley, my sister in law, made Gran and BoomPa a picture album from all of our beach pictures.  Dad and Molly Cate were checking it out in this picture.
 Out of ALL the presents they received that would rather play in a box!
 I won the aunt award of the year.  I found Jack some Halloween costumes, one of which was Buzz Light Year.  He saved the day the rest of the afternoon!!!
 Caroline was such a good babysitter to John Brantley.
BoomPa went to the bakery and bought them all cookies….  
 Molly Cate
 Jack AKA Buzz Light Year
 John Brantley
We wanted a group picture and Bitty wouldn't cooperate soooo…. 
 BoomPa held him upside down!!!
 After a fun and action filled afternoon we headed home.  I was quite sure that Bitty would take a nap.  That was a negative.  When we finally pulled into Mayberry and got settled at home it was 4:15, and he was in desperate need of some zzzz’s.  We rocked and he fought me.  He got a 45 minute nap before I had to wake him up to get dressed for the Christmas Eve service at church.  After church we headed to Big Momma and Big Daddy’s house for snacks.  The boys love going over there and playing with their toys. 
 Puddin was trying to get Bitty to eat.    
 He decided he would have some shredded cheese.  That was the only healthy thing he ate all day.      
We got home, bathed, and put our pajamas on for the annual reindeer food distribution.  Ford was excited to sprinkle his oats and glitter in the yard.  Naturally, John Brantley didn't’t have a clue, but he was all about joining in on the activity!!!        
 I am ohhh sooooo thankful that Gran felt well enough to participate in all the Christmas Eve festivities, and even spend the night for the third year in a row with us on Christmas Eve night.  It was a fabulous day until I told Ford he had to go to bed….

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...