Sunday, December 30, 2012

Final post of 2012


The Rebels started playing football and Ford Lamar was FIRED up!!!!
John Brantley went for his first swim and it wasn’t exactly what he had in mind!!!
Ford got to ride a combine out at the farm.
We went to the Germantown festival and had a big time.  Who needs to shop when you can ride on all the fun rides!!!
John Brantley fell asleep on the floor while I was cooking.  This has not happened again just so you know!
We took our first trip to Chuck-E-Cheese!!!
Headed to the Northwest Community College first football game supper. 
John Brantley went to his first Ole Miss football game.    
We started discussing building our house on the property we bought 2 years ago.     
We made a trip to Jackson.   We got to visit with my grandparents while we were there. 
We went to see Puddin at the Supreme Court building.  How many people do you think could get away with acting like this in a Justice’s office???
Lucky for Ford, Jackson also has a Children’s Museum.  We like to frequent this place when we are in town too. 
John Brantley got to start eating baby food.  I don’t think it was all he thought it would be!!!   


We went to the first annual fall festival at the middle school were I taught for 5 years. 
We went to visit Daddy at work.  Our visits are always short lived.  We get kicked out pretty quick.
Trey and I went to hear Alan Jackson at Snowden Grove in Southaven. 
John Brantley had his 4 month checkup.
We went to the Baddour Center and picked out some pumpkins.
Ford found some friends while pumpkin searching. 
Trey got a new truck.
His preschool went on the annual field trip to Cedar Hill Farms. 
Our church had baby dedication and we dedicated John Brantley.
We went to the fall carnival at Magnolia Heights.
Pumpkin photo shoot in the backyard. 
Playing on big trees at the property…
Trey carved us some pretty pumpkins. 


Ford had a Halloween party at school.
Jb felt festive.
Both of my boys were Mickey Mouse for Halloween.  It was a nice compromise for not getting to be Elton John. 
Ford’s school picture.
We went to see Santa for the first time.
The ginkgo tree was beautiful at our church. 
We made Indian headbands.
I got a double stroller.  Too bad I got it when it turned cold outside.  I do have big plans to hit the pavement running when it gets out of the 30’s and 40’s.  I don’t do much below 50 degrees.
Thanksgiving at my parent’s house.
Putting up the Christmas tree Thanksgiving night.
The near death of me…. Attempting to take a Christmas card picture.  Enough said!!!


Ford had pajama day at school.
Our second trip to see Santa didn’t go so well…
Making our yearly gingerbread man.
Daddy killed a deer.
John Brantley had his 6 month checkup.
Puddin and Pops took us to see The Jersey Boys at the Orpheum. 
My boys sitting by the tree
Ford was delivered a very special gift. 
He had a Christmas party at school. 
Preparing for Santa...

New December stuff…

Mr. Big stuff got his first tooth on December 23.  He was 6 months and 10 days old.  Trey was the one to find the tooth… bottom-front, right tooth.
Ford was modeling my new pig shower cap my sister- in- law gave me for Christmas!
Here is “THE STORY” of the month!  Sometimes I have those mom moments where I am like “REALLY?”.  For the most part I am an anal overprotective mom who freaks out over more than I should.  I ADMIT IT!  I am sure those closest to me are often annoyed with me at times!  I’m sorry, I am trying to do better. With that being said, I think I handled the next situation here quite lovely.
EXHIBIT A… battery powered race cars are stuck in Ford’s hair.
Yes, I believe my child is smart and I would consider him to be “above average” but when he pulled this fancy stunt I began to wonder????!!!!  Lucy came over to play on Friday.  They were doing their thing and I was busying myself around the house.  I heard Ford start crying and I told him to stop (not knowing what the problem was).  He continued to whine and cry and I eventually went to see what was wrong.
EXHIBIT B…. a huge mess!!
As I have been awarded before, I was yet awarded again for MOTHER OF THE YEAR because I laughed.  I laughed in my child’s face as he cried about having race cars stuck in his hair.  Then like any good mother would do, I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures of him!!!
EXHIBIT C…. upset!
Here is the race track where the cars are supposed to ride… not on his head!!!
The race cars are now out of Ford’s hair thanks to my friend, Amy, who patiently worked on his head and freed him from the toys.  We only had to cut a few hairs and in the meantime, Ford learned a valuable lesson!  
This year has been exciting and full of wonderful memories.  I am so thankful that I have this blog to remember all the things my family has done.  I thoroughly enjoyed looking back at all the pictures throughout the year and deciding which ones to add to my final blog posts of 2012.  I am truly a blessed individual.  God is good ALL the time! 
I am excited to see what 2013 has in store for the Lamar family.  No, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do plan to continue enjoying life, loving on those around me, and growing in my faith. 
I am also thankful that New Year’s Eve marks the 10 year anniversary that I met my wonderful husband.  You’re my rock and I love you more than you will ever know.
2012 was great…. 2013 let the good times continue. 

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...