Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Well, this is homecoming week at school.  That means that every day is a new theme that you must dress up as.  Now of course all the teachers do not find the extreme amount of pleasure in these dress up days as I do. My kids enjoy seeing their teacher dress up silly too!! I live for this week.  Monday was college day and I wore one of Trey’s Ole Miss Football jerseys.  I neglected to get a picture that day.  Tuesday was 50’s day for my hall…

And Wednesday was the day I LOVE the most.  Well, it was twin day, but Drew (teacher friend) and I call it dress up like Larry Coleman day.  Ole Larry decided he would dress up as Mrs. Lamar.  I believe he secretly loved all the attention.
Drew and me

And today was Hollywood day.  We were all unsure of exactly what that meant so Drew, Mrs. Tiner, and I wore fake eyelashes and red lipstick.  I, myself, have never put on fake eyelashes.  That adhesive (glue) was some tricky business.  I made a huge mess on myself.  I won’t be sporting those again anytime soon. 
Little Fordster is doing well.  He is glad that his daddy is home from the hunting trip.  He is learning a lot at school and seems to really be enjoying it.  He comes home talking about new people in his class every day.
He will finally sing his ABC’s for me.  He used to stop at H and say Y and Z.  Now he can get all 26!!
I had to bribe him to take these pictures for me today.  I told him I would give him one of the gumballs from his gumball machine.  (He has only gotten 1.  The potty training isn’t going along too smoothly).  He is a little negotiator and told me he needed two… green (his favorite color) and blue.  He won!
Happy day to you all!!!!!!  And will someone PLEASE tell my husband to take that baby bed in the background down.  I need to put my Christmas tree in that spot in 2 months! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Red Carpet Hunting Trip

I am assuming its most men’s dream to go on a red carpet style hunting trip (most other than my dad and brother that is).  Well, Trey Lamar got his lifelong wish to go on a man only hunting trip out west. 
Trey and 5 other men left last Tuesday morning at 6:00 A.M. headed to Wyoming (flying, not driving) to sleep on tents and hunt elk.  Sleeping in a tent would quite honestly be one of my worst nightmares.  I am not “prissy”, but my sleep is very important to me along with me bed, pillows, and noise machine. 
His home for a week
This picture is their “camp” if you will.  The tent on the left is where the chef cooked their meals.  Yes, you read that correctly, he had a chef.  That would be why I said it was a red carpet style hunting trip.  I was left at home to fend for myself and slick had a chef.  You all need not worry, I ate very well while my hubby was away!

This is inside the tent.  I was under the impression that he was actually sleeping on the ground in his stylish mummy sleeping bag we bought.  He had it better than I thought with this cot.  On the first night I don’t think he slept too well since a herd of horses came into their camp and made all kinds of noise.  I wonder if Trey got scared? 

The wilder beast out hunting for our supper. 

And thank goodness his week-long trip was a success and he killed one of the critters.  Who knew they were soooooo big??
His elk weighed about 700 pounds.  He killed it around 9:30 in the morning and spent most of the day trying to figure out how to get it off the mountain.

Tom, the guide
Only two of the six mean who went on the trip killed an elk.
Trey’s buddy, John Stevens
I was so glad to see Trey when he got home.  He didn’t come empty handed either.  Like any good husband would do, he brought his wife a present.  No, I didn’t get a t-shirt, hat, or magnet from his trip.  I got none other than some elk TEETH straight from the beasts mouth himself.  Nothing says I love you like some bloody ivory teeth!!!!!! 

I shudder at the thought of how much the United States Post Office is going to charge to send that elk head back to Mississippi.  I may have to work more than my 25 years to pay for that sucker!!! 
Now it’s my turn to go on a woman only beach trip.  Any takers??????

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears... OH MY!!

On Friday Ford got to stay home from his babysitter’s house and play with Miss Taylor, Puddin’s law clerk, who volunteered to spend her weekend hanging out in Mayberry.  They had a very successful morning of playing in our tiny backyard with the water hose…

Making big splashes…
Cutting the grass…
Watching cars drive by…
Picking up sticks…
And overall just enjoying some quality play time outside…  
So today, being Saturday, I got up dark (before it was bright) and early to get dressed for the zoo.  Gran, BoomPa, Aunt Ashley, Molly Cate, Caroline, and Jack all came for a fun filled day of lions and tigers and bears!  OH MY!!!!!!  Actually I don’t remember seeing any lions or tigers.  We skipped cat country.

His attention wasn’t on the camera.  He was watching a sheep get his hair cut.  It was MUCH more interesting than BoomPa and a camera.
Riding a cow

Ford and Jack
BoomPa and Molly Cate playing checkers

Aunt Ashley and Gran were nice enough to ride the kiddos on the carousal since I was unable.  They make me sick.   

And nothing says I had fun at the zoo like a blue ice cream face!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bad Friend Alert

I would definitely not rate myself very high in the friend department.  Honestly, since I have become a mother I think I am a bad friend.  I don’t call, text, e-mail, or visit my friends like I should.  I want to; I just don’t seem to find the time.  The other day I made a point to call one of my very best friends and set up a dinner date.  Jessica, whom I call Bogan, (her maiden name was Boggan… yes I meant to put 1 “g”) and I went to eat with our little men at a Mexican restaurant on Tuesday. 

Jackson and Ford are exactly 6 weeks to the day apart in age (Ford being older).  They seemed to have a lovely time and Ford called him “jacket” the entire ride home.  We will eat together more regularly now… we have big plans.  The boys didn’t mind eating some candy and discussing important topics like tractors and trains!

We were riding down the road yesterday and Ford told me he needed my sunglasses.  He is such a ham!

I took a personal day from school today and have….

Taken Ford to preschool with donut holes for his class… Big hit!  I got gas, went to the bank, the post office, picked up some clothes I was having monogrammed for Ford, did 4 loads of laundry, made a cake, and my personal favorite… I got a pedicure!!!!!!!  I could get used to being a stay at home mom!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ohhh but I'm not

Ohhhh how I want to be a fun craftsy mom, but the truth of the matter is… I’M NOT!  I found this good recipe for Christmas ornaments on my new favorite website, pinterest, and decided to give it a try.
 here's the recipe:
12 small hand prints (change servings and units)
4 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 1/2 cups water

Combine ingredients and knead dough for 15 to 20 minutes.

Roll dough out and cut around hand or cut circles out for making hand imprints. Use cookie cutters for ornaments or gift tags. If necessary, slightly dampen pieces to make them stick together.

Make a small hole for the hanger and prick to prevent air bubbles.

Bake at 300ºF about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. You may have to bake considerably longer depending on how thick your items are. They may not feel hard right away but will harden as they cool.

tip: make sure to use a nonstick surface, or spray cookie sheet with pam. if you do get some stickage, cover the back with felt or cardstock. attach with hot glue gun.

Okay so possibly the first mistake is the bowl I was using wasn’t a round cookie cutter and it could have caused some internal damage to my dough??????!!!!!!!!

This is before they were baked.  We even used some red food coloring and some cookie cutters to jazz things up a bit.

They are goofy.  They didn’t turn out like the ones I found on line.  I guess I needed to cook them longer.  I just don’t know.  Ford and I can fail at an arts and crafts project 9 times out of 10.  I guess the good thing is that he had fun.

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...